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fixed time相关的网络例句

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与 fixed time 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results indicated that (1) the economy in Zhejiang Province was in the developing stage of unchanged scale wage;(2) the inputoutput elasticity coefficients was the most sensitive to labour element among the factors which had effect of economic growth in Zhejiang Province.The results showed that the coefficient was 0.538 5 in labour element while the coefficients were 0.247 3 in land element and 0.321 6 in fixed asset elements respectively;(3)the contribution of the input of fixed assets was 6823% and still the major impetus to economic growth during this time;(4)the land use was not intensive basically in Zhejiang Province,the input of land elements was replaced by that of other elements during the study.So,labour intensive industry should be one of the industries in the future.

研究结果表明:(1)就规模效应而言,浙江省的经济增长处于规模报酬不变的发展阶段;(2)浙江省经济增长对劳动力要素的投入最为敏感,其中土地要素、劳动力要素和资本要素增加1个单位的投入量对经济增长的推动为 0.247 3、0.538 5 和 0.321 6;(3)固定资产投入在研究期间是浙江省经济增长的主要推动力,其贡献率达到6823%,而劳动力要素与土地要素则分别为2346%和625%;(4)浙江省土地利用不够集约,在研究期间土地要素对经济增长的影响能被资本要素与劳动力要素有效替代,而劳动力要素则难以被资本投入与土地投入有效替代,劳动集约型产业应该成为浙江省未来发展方向之一。

The system establishes 2 fixed cross sections on the path, when car license through A spot, the vehicles recognition system will immediately gather this vehicle's general information, including the vehicles trademark, the pass time passage period, the vehicles feature article and the panoram picture and so on will work as when this vehicle through B spot, will walk this section of fixed-length sectors, the car license recognition system collects this vehicle's general information once more.


When Griffis eagerly anticipates the narrative montage after Hollywood the mainstream, the Chaplin accident in is also emphasizing the single lens' expressive force, although he has also utilized some similar "Modern Time" begins the sheep and worker's two lens such performance montage technique, but more time he in faithful with panoram lens performance movement experience time,"Modern Time" mid summer Luo river the scene which sings in the dining room, the fixed positive panoram angle of view, the similar play's onlooking way, the audience can only see Xia the Luo one-man show, can obtain in merely the dining room from lens' laughter people's response,This is certainly for the more comprehensive clear performance its comedy movement and the scene, but actually unavoidably has "adheres to traitors" suspicion of the stage show.


A fixed cost may be said to be "fixed" only in relation to a given period of time and a given range of activity.


To put up founding and test experiments in these two ways separately, the first model use fixed training data to train the network and it constringed at the ninety circles, it's test identifying rate is eighty eight percent;the second model use the same fixed training data to train the network and it constringed at the sixty circles, it's test identifying rate is ninety nine percento Thus shows that the model with the switched character data is more better in identifying rate and it' s training time is shorter than the model used the character data directly,, Use BP Neural Network to forecast the Medicine Production quality is a better method..


E0078: When the PCB was transfered to fixed conveyor of PCB exit Side ,error happened for time over Maybe the PCB stoppered between fix conveyor and moving enveyor or the PCB stopped is fixed

当PCB 传送到PCB出口处边的固定运输轨时,发生超时故障,PCB 可能停在固定运输轨和移动轨之间,或PCB停在PCB出口边的固定运输轨中,用手将PCB放在正常位置。

Shadowless sword manual is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology successfully developed the world's most advanced technology, a high-pressure injection technology, at 0.01 seconds of time to quickly solve a variety of symptoms of aging nano trace elements, in order to fog-state in the form of fixed-point, quantitative, fixed layer, positioning, in order to fan-shaped form of the direct, accurate tire reaches the skin layer, 20-minute onset, 2 hours effective, and 48 hours markedly effective, non-invasive no side effects, can wipe out wrinkles, Sichuan word pattern, raised eyebrow, raised his eyes, his eyes cured pattern, eyes with a black eye, heal nasolabial fold, modified nose shape, face-lift, facial upgrade, double chin, carved facial contours, 7 days to eliminate fat, slim build remodeling , no recovery of cotton contour sculpture mm accuracy can be controlled, not only to solve the aging problem, had a beautiful face can be more delicate to maintain years.


Shadowless sword manual is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology successfully developed the world's most advanced technology, a high-pressure injection technology, at 0.01 seconds of time to quickly solve a variety of symptoms of aging nano trace elements, in order to fog-state in the form of fixed-point, quantitative, fixed layer, positioning, in order to fan-shaped form of the direct, accurate tire reaches the skin layer, 20-minute onset, 2 hours effective, and 48 hours markedly effective, non-invasive no side effects, can wipe out wrinkles, Sichuan word pattern, raised eyebrow, raised his eyes, his eyes cured pattern, eyes with a black eye, heal nasolabial fold, modified nose shape, face-lift, facial upgrade, double chin, carved facial contours, 7 days to eliminate fat, slim build remodeling , no recovery of cotton contour sculpture mm accuracy can be controlled, not only to solve the aging problem, had a beautiful face can be more delicate to maintain years.

去 美容美发保健品 IM互动商圈,与商家群聊发现更多商机。共有24条同类&美体器材&信息,请通过分页查看 12 3 4 5 无影刀说明书是美国麻省理工大学研制成功目前世界上最先进的技术,一种利用高压喷射技术,在0.01秒的时间内快速将能解决各种不同衰老症状的纳米微量元素,以雾态的形式定点、定量、定层、定位,以扇状的形直接、准确的到达皮肤中胎层,20分钟起效,2小时见效,48小时显效,无创无副作用,可祛除皱纹、川字纹、提眉、提眼角、祛眼角纹、眼带、黑眼圈、平复鼻唇沟、修饰鼻形、瘦脸、面部提升、双下巴、精雕面部轮廓,7天之内消除脂肪,重塑苗条身材,无恢复期,对棉布轮廓雕塑精准度可控制的毫米之间,不光是解决了衰老问题,可使原本漂亮的脸更加精致,维持之久。

This kind of fixed position goes to the lavatory not only patient operation, more important is to be able to make black silk ribbon of deep silk ribbon is covered find a place for inside celiac straight flesh or below celiac straight flesh, because muscle blood is offerred,abound, be helpful for fibre growing silk ribbon black silk ribbon to cover inside, at the same time these musculature still can lap fixed conduit, decrease...


At the South Edge of the Tengger Desert,the sampled sites of mobile sanddune, semi-fixed sanddune and fixed sanddune were selected as the different stages of the reversion process of desertification with the method of substituting time with space, and topsoil mineral elements of the decertified land were studied in reversion process of desertification.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
