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与 first-rater 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When the space shuttle blasts off on its first working mission in the early 1980s, the payload it will haul into orbit will be the first of an unusual type of all-purpose carryall, called Spacelab, designed to take many kinds of specialists and equipment beyond the earth.

当航天飞机摧残离开在它的第一个工作任务上在 1980 年代早期,负载量它将会进入轨道之内拖将会是那首先不寻常类型的万用单马轻便马车, Spacelab 呼叫,设计带许多类型的专家和设备超过地球。

According to the structural intensity model of the Hybrid Extend-range Projectile at the first critical state, in order to validate the structural intensity of the pill at the first critical state, This paper analyses the transient process of cartridge case, rammer, gasket squashing in bore in detail.


The results showed that plant height increasing speed was significantly slow at the former and middle stage when K level was above 180 kg/hm2.On the contrary,the height of case-hardened plant improved markedly.When the K level was above 135 kg/hm2,the stem girth and maximal leaf area differed significantly as compared with CK,so did LAI.Yield and product value per unit area took the first place when 180 kg/hm2 potassium was used.Average price and proportion of middle and first grade tobacco leaf of 225 kg/hm2 potassium treatment were the highest as compared with other treatments and CK.Four economic characters of the two treatments differed at obvious significant level as companied with CK.The total sugar and K2O were increased,nicotine, total N,protein and Cl- were decreased with increased K levels.The potassium lacked symptom was alleviated with increased K levels,no symptoms was observed when 180 kg/hm2 potassium was used,the degree of weather infected fleck was decreased when the K levels was increased.

结果表明,在烟株生长前中期,当施钾量达到180 kg/hm2以上时,株高增长显著变慢,而定型株高则显著增高;茎围和最大叶的面积在施用135 kg/hm2以上的处理与CK之间的差异性达到极显著水平,叶面积指数也存在显著差异;单位面积产量和产值以施用180 kg/hm2的处理居首位,中上等烟比例和均价以施用225kg/hm2的处理最高,这两种处理的以上4个经济性状与CK之间存在极显著性差异;烟叶中的总糖和K2O含量随施钾量的增加而上升,烟碱、总氮、蛋白质和C-含量则下降;缺钾症状随施钾量增加而减轻,至施用180kg/hm2时已无缺钾症状;烟叶气候斑的发生程度也随施钾水平的提高而减轻。

The first Cathars appeared in Limousin between 1012 and 1020, but by the 12th Century the movement had grown to become very popular and the Church considered it a threat. The name 'Cathar' was not used by them but by their opponents. They were calling themselves Good People. When he came to power in 1198, Pope Innocent III was determined to suppress the Cathars. At first he tried peaceful conversion; however priests sent in to convert the Cathars met with little success.

Cathar'并不是他们的自称,而是他们的反对者对其的称呼,而他们称自己作为'Good People'当教皇英诺森三世在1198年掌权时,便下决心要废止Cathar教派,首先他尝试和平的使他们改变信仰,但被派往Cathar派劝说的牧师并没有得到多少成果。

Cathay Hotel, our guests all the employees first, quality first principle of service, a full of enthusiasm, quality service, you are welcome to come.


My first contact with MSTC started with the first cathedra about programming technology,which was initiated by MSTC technology department.


The first time I was brought into contact with MSTC started with the first cathedra about programming technology,which was initiated by MSTC technology department.


" There were apparently the first white men to witness the O-Kee-Pa, and Catlin was the first to describe it: on January 10, 1833(though written on August 12, 1832), in the New-York Commercial Advertiser ; then in 1841 in his Manners, Customs, and Conditions of the North American Indians ; and finally, in 1867 in a little book (with a Folium Reservatum for scholars) entirely devoted to the ceremony."


For the Riemann boundary value problems for the first order elliptic systems , we translates them to equivalent singular integral equations and proves the existence of the solution to the discussed problems under some assumptions by means of generalized analytic function theory , singular integral equation theory , contract principle or generaliezed contract principle ; For the Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problems for the first order elliptic systems , we proves the problems solvable under some assumptions by means of generalized analytic function theory , Cauchy integral formula , function theoretic approaches and fixed point theorem ; the boundary element method for the Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problems for the generalized analytic function , we obtains the boundary integral equations by means of the generalized Cauchy integral formula of the generalized analytic function , introducing Cauchy principal value integration , dispersing the boundary of the area , and we obtains the solution to the problems using the boundary conditions .


In spite of their Unitarian proclivities and their masks of conservative broadmindedness, they were two generations behind interpretative science: their mental processes were mediaeval, while their thinking on the ultimate data of existence and of the universe struck him as the same metaphysical method that was as young as the youngest race, as old as the cave-man, and older - the same that moved the first Pleistocene ape-man to fear the dark; that moved the first hasty Hebrew savage to incarnate Eve from Adam's rib; that moved Descartes to build an idealistic system of the universe out of the projections of his own puny ego; and that moved the famous British ecclesiastic to denounce evolution in satire so scathing as to win immediate applause and leave his name a notorious scrawl on the page of history.


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My First Ride
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
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First Things First
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First Things First

You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。