英语人>网络例句>fir 相关的网络例句
与 fir 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The dependence between the flexural strength and the size of Chinese fir dimension lumber was investigated.206 dimension lumbers were sorted into three test groups in terms of dynamical modulus of elasticity.


The joint decision direction least mean square and constant modular algorithm is selected. The structure of the equalizer contains four quadrature finite impulse response filters.

本文主要介绍了基于FPGA 的无线信道盲均衡器的设计与实现,在算法上选择了比较成熟的DDLMS 和CMA 相结合的算法,结构上采用四路正交FIR 滤波器模型。

This wood take full advantage of operating the Department of Jiangxi in many mountain areas, hilly geographical advantage to develop the region's bamboo resources and related wood products, development and operation of a variety of specifications Bamboo: Small mangosteen, bamboo dish rack, mosquito nets bamboo, flower drying screens,board, bamboo tail, bamboo, Chinese fir, a variety of logs, a variety of wood products, agricultural products and tree seedlings.


Many community attributes in pure Chinese fir plantation were also found in mixed plantation of Chinese firs with alders.


The garden, which was slightly arched, had in its centre, on the summit of a hillock, a fine pointed and conical fir-tree, whence ran, as from the peaked boss of a shield, four grand alleys, and, ranged by twos in between the branchings of these, eight small ones, so that, if the enclosure had been circular, the geometrical plan of the alleys would have resembled a cross superposed on a wheel.


The garden, which was slightly arched, had in its centre, on the summit of a hillock, a fine pointed and conical fir-tree, whence ran, as from the peaked boss of a shield, four grand alleys, and, ranged by twos in between the branchings of these, eight small ones, so that, if the enclosure had been circular, the geometrical plan of the alleys would have resembled a cross superposed on a wheel.


Bead board clads the wall, with fir on the ceilings, lending warmth to the sitting area while contrasting with the steel-clad fireplace.


Among coy, conged fir needles


And David and all the house of Israel played before the Lord on all manner of instruments made of fir wood, even on harps, and on psalteries, and on timbrels, and on cornets, and on cymbals.

撒下6:5 大卫和以色列的全家、在耶和华面前用松木制造的各样乐器、和琴、瑟、鼓、钹、锣、作乐跳舞。

And David and all the house of Israel played before the LORD on all manner of instruments made of fir wood, even on harps, and on psalteries, and on timbrels, and on cornets, and on cymbals.

6:5 大卫和以色列的全家在耶和华面前,用松木制造的各样乐器和琴,瑟,鼓,钹,锣,作乐跳舞。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
