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与 fir 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But she felt it had been used. She turned down it adventurously, between the thick young fir s, which gave way soon to the old oak wood.


Send me also cedar trees, fir trees, and algum trees, out of Lebanon: for I know that thy


Send me also cedar trees, fir trees, and algum trees, out of Lebanon: for I know that thy servants can skill to cut timber in Lebanon; and, behold, my servants shall be with thy servants

2:8 又求你从黎巴嫩运些香柏木,松木,檀香木到我这里来,因我知道你的仆人善于砍伐黎巴嫩的树木。我的仆人也必与你的仆人同工。

The idea of interpolated filtering is realized with a cascade of an FIR and an interpolated FIR filter, and with a tap-weight overlapping method.


When we had fir'd our second Volley of our Fusees, we thought they stopp'd a little, and hop'd they would have gone off; but it was but a Moment; for others came forward again; so we fir'd two Volleys of our Pistols, and I believe in these four Firings, we had kill'd seventeen or eighteen of them, and lam'd twice as many; yet they came on again.


The main series of products have black walnut, rosewood, rosewood, golden grapefruit, cherry, Lufthansa Billy, pearl wood, Betula,, Douglas fir, red walnut, teak, white, red oak, maple, Hung Ying, Liu Eucalyptus, oak, table, chicken wing wood, Finland wood, Yunnan, fir, hemlock, wood preservative and other rare and valuable species of domestic and foreign professional companies, has many years of timber production and sales experience.


Bacterial needle blight of Chinese Fir was one of the main diseases in Chinese fir forests,which was caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv.

杉木细菌性叶枯病是杉木的主要病害之一,由丁香假单胞杆菌杉木致病变种Pseudomonas syringae pv。

In this paper, the North subtropical cork oak forests, fir, pine torch, Mao bamboo and Chinese fir forest soil in the budding B, Mo, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn and effective content distribution in soil profiles in the law affecting their effective of soil factors and the different stands on soil micro-nutrient contents.


Self-thinning mechanism and climate reactions of growth of Chinese fir plantation are theoretical basic forsustainable management and development of Chinese fir plantation.


After standard fire exposure test, the bending properties of glulam decreased with the fire exposure time increasing. The values of MOE and MOR decreased respectively from 4.1 GPa to 2.5-3.8 GPa and 48.2 MPa to 27.1-36.6 MPa for China fir glulam, from 5.3 GPa to 3.7-4.6 GPa and 54.8 MPa to 23.0-39.4 MPa for Japanese cedar glulam, from 5.3 GPa to 3.4-4.7 GPa and 51.4 MPa to 21.8-38.6 MPa for Taiwania glulam, from 7.7 GPa to 6.6- 6.9 GPa and 62.7 MPa to 33.2-40.8 MPa for Douglas-fir glulam, from 6.0 GPa to 4.4-5.3 GPa and 58.9 MPa to 26.4-42.1 MPa for Southern pine glulam.

经燃烧试验后,集成材之力学性质上,集成材之抗弯强度会随燃烧时间之增加而降低,其中,杉木集成材之MOE值由4.1 GPa降至2.5 - 3.8 GPa,MOR值由48.2 MPa降至27.1 - 36.6 MPa;柳杉集成材之MOE值由5.3 GPa降至3.7 - 4.6 GPa,MOR值由54.8 MPa降至23.0 - 39.4 MPa;台湾杉集成材之MOE值由5.3 GPa降至3.4 - 4.7 GPa,MOR值由51.4 MPa降至21.8 - 38.6 MPa;花旗松集成材之MOE值由7.7 GPa降至6.6 - 6.9 GPa,MOR值由62.7 MPa降至33.2 - 40.8 MPa;南方松集成材之MOE值由6.0 GPa降至4.4 - 5.3 GPa,MOR值由58.9 MPa降至26.4 - 42.1 MPa。

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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
