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与 fir 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dynamical behaviors such as periodic, quasi-periodic and chaotic waveforms are observed on oscilloscope. It is expected that the proposed chaotic sources and their circuit implementations are beneficial to the application of neural networks. 4 A template of Cellular Neural Network is derived aimed at solving second-order hyperbolic wave equations based on space discrete method, a novel alternating recursive algorithm implementation is given.


Hence, the modulus of rigidity, G, of glulam was measured by vibration test method in order to realize the shear deflection effect. The E/G values of Japanese cedar, Taiwania, Douglas-fir, and southern pine glulam were ranged form 13.2 to 14.5, 14.6 to 16.6, 12.1 to 16.6 and 16.0 to 19.1, respectively. The pure MOE was also obtained. The Ep and MOR values of glulam were ranged from 10.6 to 13.4 GPa and 48.3 to 61.9 MPa for Japanese cedar, ranged from 12.1 to 15.0 GPa and 41.8 to 58.8 MPa for Taiwania, ranged from 10.5 to 16.4 GPa and 37.2 to 65.6 MPa for Douglas-fir, ranged from 14.5 to 20.6 GPa and 70.2 to 78.48 MPa for Southern pine, respectively.

而消除剪力挠曲影响,即可得集成材之抗弯弹性模数真实值与抗弯强度,依本研究配置所得之柳杉集成材之Ep值与MOR值分别为10.6-13.4 GPa与48.3-61.9 MPa;台湾杉集成材之Ep值与MOR值分别为12.1-15.0 GPa与41.8-58.8 MPa;花旗松集成材之Ep值与MOR值分别为10.5-16.4 GPa与37.2-65.6 MPa;南方松集成材之Ep值与MOR值分别为14.5-20.6 GPa与70.2-78.4 MPa。

To solve the problem of analysis and computation during using a finite impulse response model with high orders, orthonormal basis functions are constructed by utilizing partial system information and then introduced into traditional FIR modeling. A generalized FIR modeling method is proposed.


The female parents are 4 choice [1] ness clones in Chinese fir primary orchard. The male parents are 3 polyanthus clones in the gene pool of old Chinese fir, the mixed pollen of these clones and all the clones in this gene pool. The testing woods were founded with 18 cross grouping which were obtained by the using of NCⅡ.


The results indicated that the permeability of chinese fir,masson's pine and Chinese sassafras increased when treatment pressure increased under 35 MPa;the permeability change rate of chinese fir increased to 493%,the highest at treatment temperature of 40℃,and the permeability change rate of mass...

结果表明,在35 MPa内,处理压力的增大有利于3种木材渗透性的提高;杉木在处理温度为40℃时,渗透性的变化率达到最大,为493%,马尾松和檫木在处理温度为45℃时,渗透性的变化率达到最大,分别为479%和349%;较佳的处理时间为30 min。

By the changing tendency of N, P, K, we coudle see N, P decreased significantly, especially P, the concentration of which was deficient for Chinese Fir nomal growing, but K nutrients were unnoted. So we suggestted increasing N, P fertilizer for Chinese Fir normal growing and might rise its yield.


If time that 95% of dry matter is decomposed expresses turnoverperiod of litterfall decomposition,the turnover periods of Chinese fir,Castanopsis fissa,Schimasuperba,Castanopsis fargesii,ficus simplicissima,Maesa japonica,Boehmeria nivea,Woodwardiajaponica,Angiopteris fokiensis and Dicranopteris dicotoma put in 20-year-old Chinese firplantation are 2.7,2.1,3.0,2.2,0.5,1.9,0.3,1.5,0.9 and 3.9 years,respectively;they are 2.2,1.6,2.0,1.6,0.3,1.7,0.4,1.3,0.7 and 2.8 years put in 25-year-old Chinese fir plantation,respectively.


By using canonic signed digit to represent each coefficient of FIR filter and local search method to optimize the coefficients, we implement a multiplier-less FIR filter.


Biological circulation rate of five elements in Chinese fir layer is 0.412,but they are 0.505and 0.556 in shrub and herb layers,and they show the law of herb layer>shrub layer>Chinese firlayer,this shows that understory plants have significant conservation function of soil fertility innutrient circulation,but Chinese fir tree species has larger consumption of soil fertility.


The third category is planted second-generation Chinese fir, the soil phenol content is highest. It shows that along the ecosystem conversion, or as the increase of Chinese fir planted generation, the phenols in soil are accumulated to a certain extent.(6) Detecting the soil of four systems and found that there exist p-hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid and ferulaic acid, but not exist cinnamic acid.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
