查询词典 fine-tuning
- 与 fine-tuning 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Collided with a guy when I riding my bike today. She is antidromic and fly out out of her mind. I apologized with wound to her. Add with smile, I ask her if she is ok, but apparently she is fine. To my surprise, she answered rudely.God damn it.
The antiglare film with above formula prepared by wet roller coat process, had excellent antiglare effect, high hardness, well adhesion and flexibility, fine water and acid resistance. The transmittance, haze and glossiness of the film were 92.3%, 10.69% and 62.4%, respectively.
Do it yourself restoration supplies for antique and fine furniture.
We get a theoretical error of the fine antithetic variables Monte Carlo method for multidimensional integration.
Because if it says to you there are songs about frustration and anxiousness fine!
The English reader need not concern himself with most of these finer points concerning the aorist tense, since in most cases they cannot be rendered accurately in English translation, being fine points of Greek exegesis only.
在文法上,简过代表几种情形,其中较常见的有:指这个行动是由某一时间开始("inceptive aorist"),或者行动终於某一时间("cumulative aorist"),或者只是出现在某一个特定的时间("punctiliar aorist")。其他的情形,仍可见於希腊文文法中。英语系统的读者不必拘泥於这些不同类的简过形式,因为通常无法适切的翻译成英文。
Now, we are going to fine tune the Apache and PHP to make it running as faster as possible.
现在,我们对Apache 和 PHP优化,让它们运行更快一些。
B: Fine. I would like to check out today's new aper advertising on Tong House.
She was very apologetic and I can hear fine now!
The fine exploration aiming at Dongying center apophysis has been carried on for many years, but the facts that the earth surface of Dongying city is very complicated and the purpose layer is lain pretty deeply have restricted continuously the exploration progress of this area.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- A Fine Blue Line
- Fine Print
- Fine Without You
- Fine
- You're Gonna Be Fine
- You'll Be Fine
- Fine Fine Life
- Fine As Fine Can Be
- Fine, Fine, Very Fine Love
- Fine Fine Fine
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With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.
But he could still end up breakfasting on Swiss-government issue muesli because all six are accused of nicking around 45 million pounds they should have paid to FIFA.
Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......