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与 film 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Taxkorgan West Kunlun tectonic melange belt by the composition of the Paleoproterozoic basement rock-chip sector, the mainland Sinian plate rift basalt rock film, Ordovician-Silurian flysch rock film, Carboniferous-Permian volcanic arc rock-chip and high-pressure metamorphic rocks.


30 Dick Fontaine ( National Film and Television School of England, England),"NEW VIEW POINT OF ANTHROPOLOGY FILM"

Dick Fontaine(英国国家电影电视学校,英国),人类学影片的新视野

Better film quality with oxygen free content and higher electron mobility can be achieved with InN film with AlN buffer layer .


Gable's last film, 1961's The Misfits , was also the final film of Marilyn Monroe.


Transimitting extremely short, souvenirs…(when the workpiece runs at 12 m/min, its souvenirs… as 0.11s) and very small angle covered by the film, the custom paper substrate escape into the water, and at the same time to gaseity was sandwiched between film and paper, to the nature of the covering layer.


Double side anti-static gelatine coating substrate;Used for producing printing film and movie film,etc.


You often see it referred to as the most expensive film ever made, and when you see how astonishing the film is to look at, you can't believe your eyes,' says festival director christian gaines, giddily describing visual effects involving hundreds of thousands of troops.

电影节指导christian gaines心醉沉迷地描述电影里面数万战士的视觉效果说:'当你看到这部电影时会惊讶万分,你简直不能相信自己的眼睛。你会把这部电影当成世界上曾有的最昂贵的电影

Gilliam I remember when we did the first film, [1971's] And Now for Something Completely Different , which was our attempt at breaking into the States, we had a big fight with Columbia Pictures because the film ends with the sketch ''The Upper-Class Twit of the Year,'' and they didn't understand it.

Gilliam:我记得我们做第一部电影的时候, [1971年的]《 And Now for Something Completely Different(以下是一套完全不同的节目)》,这是我们进入美国市场的第一次尝试,我们与哥伦比亚影业公司有一段很激烈的争吵。

What I can say with certainty is that I have enjoyed many a Bond film — more specifically, I enjoyed the Connery era the most, lost interest in the Roger Moore era and thought that every film in the Pierce Brosnan era besides Goldeneye was overblown and ridiculous.


Y: Our film crew went to Singapore to interview your goodself and the place where you started your business. Let's look at the film.

叶: 我们这次摄制组到新加坡,也去采访了您,采访了您当初在新加坡创业之初的一些地方,我们一起来看一段资料。

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Film Me
Theme From An Imaginary Film
Film Noir
A Film Called (Pimp)
Girls On Film
Uncle Meat Film Excerpt Part II
The God Film
Film Noir
Film It

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
