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与 film 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It discusses Arnheim's theory in two aspects: First, starting from the Gestalt psychology, it puts film into the category of traditional art and, by means of its comparison with other forms of art, such as opera and painting, concludes that film is art only because it fails to perfectly represent the reality.

到了 20世纪二三十年代,电影在创作实践上进入了它的第一个辉煌阶段———默片的全盛时期。由于创作实践的巨大进步,电影当然不能安于卡努杜所谓的"没有理论的艺术"①的现状,在理论上确认电影作为艺术的身分是势所必然。1932年,德国心理学专业的大学毕业生爱因汉姆撰写了《电影》一文。

I think the film Assembly is the best film that I have seen.


The application of an appropriate apodization film to an ordinary lens makes the point amplitude response asymptotic to a Dirac-delta function, or causes an arbitrarily narrow depth of focus. This implicates that we may achieve lateral or axial superresolution through implementing an apodization film.


The characteristics of pentacene/perylene derivatives based organic solar cells are investigated in this thesis Donor and acceptor layers are pentacene and N N'-dioctyl-3 4 9 10-perylenetetracarboxylic diimide (PTCDI-2~13C) respectively Twelve organic solar cells with pentacene/PTCDI-2~13C heterojunctions were fabricated to study the influence of various alkylic perylene derivatives on the power conversion efficiency Under the sunlight simulator with AM1 5G filter and 100 mW/cm2 the solar cell of pentacene/PTCDI-7C heterojunction with cathode of Ag/Al bilayer has the best performance among the devices with pentacene/PTCDI-2~13C heterojunctions In PL spectrum analyses the pentacene/PTCDI-7C film had lower recombination rate than the other pentacene/PTCDI-2~13C films; therefore more excitons could reach the P/N junction and enhance short-circuit current Furthermore the PTCDI-7C film grown on the surface of penatcene was more matched than other PTCDI films analyzed by the PL peak shifts of 10 nm and 45 nm thick PTCDI-2~13C and images of atomic force microscope More lattice match between the films of pentacene and PTCDI resulted in fewer defects in P/N junction and more carries can reach electrodes Accordingly the power conversion efficiency approach 2% was obtained from the solar cell with the active layer of pentacene/PTCDI-7C

本研究探讨以五环素/骈苯衍生物异质接面太阳能电池之特性,利用pentacene作为电子施体有机材料,PTCDI -2C~13C作为电子受体有机材料,制作出异质接面为pentacene/ PTCDI-2C ~13C等12种有机太阳能电池,比较不同碳数的骈苯衍生物对於有机太阳能电池之光电转换效率之影响。在AM1 5G、100 mW/cm2的模拟太阳光下,以pentacene/PTCDI-7C异质接面太阳能电池具有短路电流9 882 mA/cm2、开路电压0 376 V、填充因数0 523及光电转换效率达1 945%,皆比其他pentacene/PTCDI-2C ~13C异质接面太阳能电池来的大。由薄膜分析可知PTCDI-7C在这12种太阳能电池中具有较低的电子电洞复合发光效率,可以让较多激子到达异质接面进行电荷分离,减少电子电洞对复合发光的机率;此外,由光激发萤光光谱之峰值位移配合原子力显微镜表面结构图,可以得知当PTCDI-7C成长在pentacene上时会顺著pentacene的结构成长薄膜,故较无缺陷产生在P/N接面处;而在其他结构下则无此现象产生,致使在pentacene/PTCDI-7C薄膜中的载子有较大的机会可以移动至电极,使光电流提高,进而使光电转换效率提高。

Ozu is an auteur in the traditional sense: one whose style and themes are reiterated with sublime consistency in film after film.


MY-350A automatic dry-ink coding machine is suitable for printing, labels on the face of the papers, tissue paper, non-ferrous plastic film and aluminum film.


Also called Autopositive film,Direct duplicating film.


The test also reveals that the removal of CODCr could not keep in pace with that of ammonia in the process of film formation , while the increasing rate of the aerobic heterotrophic bacteria is higher than that of the autotrophic nitrobacteria in the process of biological film growth.

试验还显示,挂膜过程中,CODCr 和氨氮的去除率的提高不是同步的,生物膜增长过程中,好氧异养菌的增殖速度较快,硝化菌的增殖速度较慢。

The line places thoroughly namely if with us person of Heibei laborious collect says be troubled by old~!But the jest in the human association with these buckish and Bacchic loose to mixing styles,we are indistinct saw neutral of even if film"overrun"but those who communicate is those sexes that are afoundation with love,perhaps be fundamental love with the gender,a variety of patting the result that drag,it is at least in afew kisses,exuding tenderness and love through eyes saw true love in afew dialogs,saw that situation of the intention.The film of Bmerican clique series exaggerated of purpose the to the gender understanding that those resemble our euqally big children in the Western Hemisphere and fumble,although be exaggerated,but mix after all the circumstance conform to of those Bmerican reality,believe to be in what had been our country learns in much and not been for the student of the college,but that is miserable in the ear that the thing has passed parents~!


"October Rising" 2009 Chinese film made the strongest. 2,"Shinjuku Incident" reflects the real Chinese people smuggling syndicate in Japans life, the director depicts scenes between men, friend and brother, is inspiring. 3,"Banlieue 2: Ultimate" smooth continuation of the first Parkour action style, fast-paced, music is a lot of highlights. 4,"Hurricane rescue" retired agents thousands of miles to save women, clear-cut action style, the audience hooked. 5,"Ye ask," the best in recent years, the Hong Kong kung fu movies. 6,"race situation" sense of speed super "car action movie." 7,"accident" opening a surprising and exciting plot, the unique way the film temperament and camera work. 8,"the Rye" is no heroism, replaced by nothing, anxiety and loss, it is no longer a clear distinction between good and evil battle of good and evil, but at the edge of the good sorts of people and more poor people struggle. 9,"the prequel Underworld: wolf came again," a simple plot, gorgeous fight, perfect visual impact on viewers eye. 10,"Vengeance": a quiet burst of violence under the screen, slow-paced narrative images and game-like life and death among men, affection, Hong Kong director for the French meal on an Oriental.


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Film Me
Theme From An Imaginary Film
Film Noir
A Film Called (Pimp)
Girls On Film
Uncle Meat Film Excerpt Part II
The God Film
Film Noir
Film It

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
