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fill with相关的网络例句

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与 fill with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then I sample the face, and use the bucket (assuming all the lines are closed - which they weren't) to fill the rest of the body, and a slight blue with a bit of the flesh color for the pants.


Then I sample the face, and use the bucket (assuming all the lines areclosed - which they weren't) to fill the rest of the body, and a slightblue with a bit of the flesh color for the pants.


This time the rich farmer couldn't answer the poor man's argument.He had to to fill the big bag with flour.


Providing extra space in the frame, he does not proceed to fill it up with detailed, abundant figures.


His liaison with Carla Bruni, a Franco-Italian singer and one-time supermodel, whom he took on an official-trip-cum-holiday to Egypt, was splashed on every magazine cover and seemed to fill the airwaves for days on end.

他与Carla Bruni ,一位法语-意大利语歌手,过去当过超级模特,他在工作旅行兼度假时带她到了埃及,两者在一起的照片登上了每份杂志封面的显著位置,而且几天来似乎一直占据着广播电视。

Fill in visa application forms and hand in a recently taken, half-length, bareheaded, full-faced photo with a size of 2.5 inches


The movie's Kabul is a vivid place, especially in the sequences where the city's boys engage in kite-fighting tournaments, in which kites with glass-coated strings fill the skies and attempt to cut each other's lines.


The movie's Kabul is a vivid place, especially in the sequences where the city's boys engage in kite-fighting tournaments, in which kites with glass-coated strings fill the skies and attempt to cut each other's lines.


Fill your vision with the glyphs of the Language of Light.


Fill each spoke up to half with mercury and seal its opening situated in the rim.


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Fill Me With Your Love
Fill Us With Fire

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
