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fill with相关的网络例句

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与 fill with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit.

27:6 将来雅各要扎根,以色列要发芽开花。他们的果实,必充满世界。

In the days to come Jacob will take root; Israel will blossom and bud; And they will fill the surface of the world with their produce.

27:6 将来雅各要扎根,以色列要发芽开花;他们的果实必遍满世界。

When they shall rush in unto Jacob, Israel shall blossom and bud, and they shall fill the face of the world with seed.


Base Station type Software versionTypes of carrier frequency board adoptedTypes of combiner adoptedWhether had obtained the network license or notIndoor type or outdoor type Whether the master port is separated from the remote-port The maximum carrier frequency capacity of single cabinet The maximum supportable sector numbers of single cabinetWhether it is dual-carrier frequency board or notMust it be paired configuration if it's dual-carrier frequency board (namely, the type of single carrier frequency station could only configure the dual-carrier frequency on hardware) The maximum achievable configuration of a single station of the single cabinetReceiver sensitivity The maximum expand capacity of a single base station (the maximum number of TRX in configuration / the number of cabinets which is required)(fill in according with the three sectors) Top box transmitted power (given separately a grade one combine and a grade two combine) The maximum output power of amplifier (voice, a single logical carrier frequency) The maximum output power of amplifier (EGPRS, a single logical carrier frequency)Whether it has tower-interfaceWhether it has built-in lightning protectionWhether it support the ultra-long cover / whether it need for software support (give simple description that how hardware and software could achieve this) The supporting condition of EGSM (it should be supported including by the carrier frequency, combiner) Dual-band carrier wave (whether it supports the mixed use of 900 M/1800M in the same cabinet) The commonality of duplicate parts Whether it can built-in transmission unitThe single cabinet size (high × width × deep) Installation method Whether it can place against the wallThe basic frame full-configured weight and the supportable number of carrier frequencyThe expansion frame full-configured weight and the supportable number of carrier frequency

基站型号软件版本号采用载频板型号采用合路器型号是否已取得入网许可室内型or室外型是否是主远端分离单机柜最大载频容量单机柜最大支持的扇区数是否是双载频板如是双载频板,是否必须成对配置(即单载频站型只能硬件配置双载频)单机柜可达到的单站最大配置接收机灵敏度单基站最大扩展能力(最大配置TRX数/需机柜数)(按3扇区填写)机顶发射功率(分别给出一级合路与两级合路)功放最大输出功率功放最大输出功率(EGPRS,单个逻辑载频)有无塔放接口有无内置避雷装置是否支持超远覆盖/是否需要软件支持(简单描述软硬件如何实现)EGSM支持情况(包括载频、合路器均应支持)双频段载波(是否支持900M/1800M在同一机柜内混合使用)备件通用性是否可以内置传输单元单机柜尺寸安装方式可否靠墙放置基本架满配重量及支持载频数扩容架满配重量及支持载频数是否支持基本架与扩容架跨扇区满配功耗满配时重量供电方式机柜进出线方式合路器损耗合路能力:几合一单扇区最大支持几载频合路到一副天线/采用几个合路器单扇区载频达到需要增加一副天线时,是否支持两级合路换以不增加天线如两级合路插损为是否支持基带跳频和合成跳频每单个合路器在从低载频数向高载频数扩容时,是否还需要增加硬件可用性指标MTBFMTTR系统中断服务时间硬件是否支持EGPRS本次报价软件版本号开始支持EGPRS的软件版本号其他特点注: 1 应分别填写出来按照本次报价要求所采用的全部BTS型号和采用的合路器型号 2 列出本报价要求的全部室外型基站与高功放单元

The Bottle Brush: Fill the bottle half way with hot soapy water.


Patients have been cured over the years has proven that:"snore snore quietly," capsule with treating the symptoms, blood pairs of fill, Qi Xie stasis, Tongqiao Xingnao, Qingyan benefit dry, Shugan Qi, lipid-lowering blood pressure, Paul Liver Liver, enhance the effectiveness of functions, enabling the body's "essence, gas, god" full tune up so that the "tired" of the heart and brain, oral cavity and respiratory organs,"refreshed","all in their place,"" responsible for their own,"" harmonization,"return to nature when they are not ill health, and without any toxic side effects (ie: no addiction, no dependency, no pain, no trauma, no adverse reaction).


The approach embankment leading up to an MSE abutment is continuous with the compacted granular fill on which the bridge seat rests.

通向 MSE 桥肩的引堤与碾压后的粗粒回填物是连续的,桥座就坐落在此之上。

Fill the cake pan with the cake mixture and lightly press 200g of cherries into the dough.


If someone fractures vertebrae in the spine then surgeons can use a filler to "fill in" the gaps, this procedure is commonly used in those who suffer with osteoporosis and is called vertebroplasty.


Use a canvas work apron (has pockets and ties around the waist), and fill it with supplies, such as rattles, rubber gloves, pacifiers, hand sanitizer, a pair of tongs, nose plugs, baby wash, diapers, plastic goggles, baby wipes, etc.


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Fill Me With Your Love
Fill Us With Fire

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
