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fill with相关的网络例句

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与 fill with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Please fill in the entry form, and together with the copy of cash deposit slip with your name and ID


Please fill in the entry form, and together with the copy of cash deposit slip with your name and ID number, discipline on the slip then fax or mail to contract information. Please keep a copy of the payment slip for future reference, entry fee does not include bank service charges.


After refreshing my self, I got all my Cargo on Shore, and began to examine the Particulars: The Cask of Liquor I found to be a kind of Rum, but not such as we had at the Brasils; and in a Word, not at all good; but when I came to open the Chests, I found several Things, of great use to me: For Example, I found in one, a fine Case of Bottles, of an extraordinary kind, and fill'd with Cordial Waters, fine, and very good; the Bottles held about three Pints each, and were tipp'd with Silver: I found two Pots of very good Succades, or Sweetmeats, so fastned also on top, that the Salt Water had not hurt them; and two more of the same, which the Water had spoil'd: I found some very good Shirts, which were very welcome to me; and about a dozen and half of Linnen white Handkerchiefs, and colour'd Neckcloths; the former were also very welcome, being exceeding refreshing to wipe my Face in a hot Day; besides this, when I came to the Till in the Chest, I found there three great Bags of Pieces of Eight, which held about eleven hundred Pieces in all; and in one of them, wrapt up in a Paper, six Doubloons of Gold, and some small Bars or Wedges of Gold; I suppose they might all weigh near a Pound.


To further fill in with incremental steps, add eyepieces with approximate field stop diameters of 28mm and 14mm.


As a fill-up of domestic blank, and strictly designed and manufactured to ISO2858, this series of products are provided with the advanced performances in line with the international counterparts.

该系列产品填补了国内空白。其综合性能达到国际同类产品现代先进水平。该系列产品严格按国际标准 ISO2858进行设计制造。

As a fill-up of domestic blank, and strictly designed and manufactured to ISO2858, this series of products are provided with the advanced performances in line with the international counterparts.


As a fill-up of domestic blank, and strictly designed and manufactured to ISO2858, this series of products are provided with the advanced performances in line with the international counterparts.

该系列产品严格按国际标准 ISO2858进行设计制造。

When shooting outdoors, if you consistently use fill flash with reduced flash output, set it as your default — don't wait until you're shooting to fiddle with the controls.


Shake well, then pour into an 8 oz flute. Fill the glass with spumante. Garnish with an orange slice to represent the sun.


I will start off with a quick iris script to show on a large scale roughly how i would now do an iris you wouldn't normally paint an iris this large so it looks a bit strange and was harder to do because the movements were that much larger but it would in fact be much easier to paint at the correct size, it roughly shows the build up starting with basic greys filling in the highlights and lowlights few specks fill in the pupil which is never a perfect hard circle by the way and then colour overlay.


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Fill Me With Your Love
Fill Us With Fire

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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
