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fill with相关的网络例句

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与 fill with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dextrously thou aim'st; So willingly doth God remit his Ire, [ 885 ] Though late repenting him of Man deprav'd, Griev'd at his heart, when looking down he saw The whole Earth fill'd with violence, and all flesh Corrupting each thir way; yet those remoov'd, Such grace shall one just Man find in his sight, [ 890 ] That he relents, not to blot out mankind, And makes a Covenant never to destroy The Earth again by flood, nor let the Sea Surpass his bounds, nor Rain to drown the World With Man therein or Beast; but when he brings [ 895 ] Over the Earth a Cloud, will therein set His triple-colour'd Bow, whereon to look And call to mind his Cov'nant: Day and Night, Seed time and Harvest, Heat and hoary Frost Shall hold thir course, till fire purge all things new, [ 900 ] Both Heav'n and Earth, wherein the just shall dwell.


Not till Egbert came with his bride. And he had come to fill it with flowers.


Thousands of grapes are pressed to fill one jar with wine, and the grapeskin and pulp are tossed to the birds. So it is with these grapes of wisdom from the ages. Much has been filtered and tossed to the wind. Only the pure truth lies distilled in the words to come.


Thousands of grapes are pressed to fill one jar with wine, and the grapeskin and pulp are tossed to the birds. So it is with these grapes of wisdom from the ages. Much has been filtered and tossed to the wind. Only the pure truth lies distilled in the words to come.


Thousands of grapes are pressed to fill one jar with wine, and the grapeskin and pulp are tossed to the birds. So it is with these grapes of wisdom from the ages. Much has been filtered and tossed to the wind. Only the pure truth lies distilled in the words to come.


The steps are as the following:1、Preparing the cerebrospinal fluid one hour before the experiment,take some of them for cryopreservation;2、Without paralyse,cuting down the rat head quickly and dislodge the hippocamp part which is used in the experment in freezing liquid,and trim the hippocamp distrct.3、Fixing the hippocamp tissue on the vibratome,to cut down a brain slice with 300μm,use the haustorial tube to move the slice to the preincubate dish,cultivanting it for one hour.Then move it to the record incubation chamfer.4、Preparing the glass micloelectrode and fill it with NaCl,the corcentation is 3mol/L.5、adjusting the recorder,after cultivate the brain slice in the incubation chamfer for 2 hours,the expermentize can be gone on.6、In order to ensure the accurate of the experimental result,use only one medicine concentration for one brain slice in every experiment.

本实验研究方法是:1、实验前1小时配制好所需脑脊液并充以95% O2和5% CO2的混合气,取小部分冷冻保存;2、在乙醚麻醉下,快速断头并在冷冻液里取出包含海马的大脑部位,修整出所需海马区;3、将海马组织固定于振动切片机上切出300μm厚的海马脑片,用广口吸管转移至预孵育皿培养一小时,后再转移到记录用孵育槽内;4、拉制好玻璃微电极,并充以3mol/L的NaCl;5、调试好记录仪器,将脑片在孵育槽内培养2小时后进行实验;6、为了保证实验结果的准确性,每一块脑薄片只进行一个浓度的药品实验。

When the infant had taken its fill the young mother sat it upright in her lap, and looking into the far distance dandled it with a gloomy indifference that was almost dislike; then all of a sudden she fell to violently kissing it some dozens of times, as if she could never leave off, the child crying at the vehemence of an onset which strangely combined passionateness with contempt.


Personally,i believe i am just the person who can best fill this position.to begin with,my major , my degree exactly meet the basic requirements of the advertised position.second,i have 6 years of experience rotating in surgical departments.as having pererrorerrorerrorformed 2000 or so procedures,i am able to deal with most basic clinical problems in most surgical departments,and i am good at all kinds of basic surgical skills and procedures,including tracheotomy,endotracheal intubation,thyrocricocentesis,central vein catheterization,external lateral ventricular drainage,closed drainage of thoracic cavity,peritoneocentesis,suprapubis vesicopun c ture,gastrointestinal decompression,urethral catheterization,cranial traction,bone marrow pun c ture,plaster immobilization, routine fracture fixation and traction, phlebotomy , excellent debridement and suturing, and so on.conclusively,i am competent in most basic surgical work and good at organising residents on first aid work.

我自信我正是贵公司所需要的雇员。首先,我的学历,学位和工作经验正符合贵公司在网站中告知的该职位的应聘条件。其次,我有 6 年的外科各科室轮转的工作经历。毕业至今我已经参与完成大小手术 2000 台次,鉴于此,我能处理各外科科室的基本临床问题,熟练进行外科各科室的基本临床操作和手术,比如气管切开术,气管内插管术,环甲膜穿刺术,中心静脉置管术,侧脑室外引流术,胸腔闭式引流术,腹腔穿刺术,胃肠减压术,耻骨上膀胱穿刺术,导尿术,颅骨牵引术,骨髓穿刺术,各种骨折固定和牵引术,静脉切开术,娴熟的清创缝合术等。总的说来,我能胜任外科各科室临床常规工作并组织住院医师进行急救工作。

It tries to and should mix and fuse poetry and prose, inspirition and criticism, the poetry of art and the poetry of nature; and make poetry lively and sociable, and life and society poetical; poeticize wit and fill and saturate the forms of art with every kind of good, solid matter for instruction, and animate them with the pulsations of humor.


Its features are: to make active calcium in printing ink high fill, or improve the ink system-branched, reduce the ink thickness; favourof pgment, filiers and qinhe through on-site carriers to improve the ink adhesion and strength; can be used with any of the proportioner water, adapt to waterborne packaging business card printing and membership card making ink, oil-soluble and solvent packaged business card printing and membership card making ink; reinforced with a couplant ink products that extend the storage life of observable or in business card printing and membership card before or business card printing and membership card-making anywhere, anytime.


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Fill Me With Your Love
Fill Us With Fire

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
