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与 festivals 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At length a Reverend Sire among them came, And of thir doings great dislike declar'd, [ 720 ] And testifi'd against thir wayes; hee oft Frequented thir Assemblies, whereso met, Triumphs or Festivals, and to them preachd Conversion and Repentance, as to Souls In prison under Judgments imminent: [ 725 ] But all in vain: which when he saw, he ceas'd Contending, and remov'd his Tents farr off; Then from the Mountain hewing Timber tall, Began to build a Vessel of huge bulk, Measur'd by Cubit, length, and breadth, and highth, [ 730 ] Smeard round with Pitch, and in the side a dore Contriv'd, and of provisions laid in large For Man and Beast: when loe a wonder strange!


In Poland they performed in Warsaw (National Philharmonic, Royal Castle), Radom, Przemysl, Poznan, Lancut, and Wroclaw (32nd International Festival Wratislavia Cantans, the inauguration of the 46th Eucharistic Congress, and the Festivals WRO'2000 and Musica Polonica Nova).


There's the Dutch Tulip Festival in Pella, Iowa; German Oktoberfest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and many Swedish and Norwegian festivals in Minnesota, where one in four of the residents is of Scandinavian descent.


Known as "catch as catch can", it had become standard fare - and popular professional entertainment - at fairs and festivals in both countries.


Known as "catch as catch can", it had become standard fare - and popular professional entertainment - at fairs and festivals in both countries.


Get a T-shirt with your site URL printed on it, hang out at local festivals with that shirt on, and look for the news van.


Get a T-shirt with your site URL printed on it, hang out at local festivals with that shirt on, and look for the news van.


It also advertises for "peace models", with opportunities for beautiful young women to attend international festivals.


Holy festivals are held so that each church may present its best brews for judgment.


Traditional festivals of China, which coagulating our National spirit and patriotism and bearing the weight of our culture and civilization, are the precious resource of building the advanced Socialistic culture.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
