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Fig. 2-23 Roentgenographically occult femoral neck fracture in elderly woman.

图2-23 老年妇女跌倒后X 线片隐蔽性股骨颈骨折。

The key of preventing redislocation was:analyzing pathological change of hip dislocation in every patient correctly,selecting true operation type,intercepting bone rotatively below femur trochanter,diminishing angulus acetabularis and keeping relationship of cocenric circle between femoral head and acetabulum.


The "daVinci representation"(right panel of Figure 6) is a comprehensive visual representation of the scoliotic spine that illustrates the orientation of the planes of maximum curvature of the 3 spine segments in the transverse view. The center of the circular plot is the point where the central hip vertical axis (CHVA, CHVA is a true vertical bisecting the bi-femoral head axis, often considered to represent the physiological center of balance of the spine-pelvic unit) intersects the transverse plane and every arrow radiating from the center represents a spine segment (PT, MT, and TL/L).


The myo-peduncle bone flap and spongy bone marrow transplantation,scavenge sequestra completely and decompress combined with traditional Chinese medicine,the blood supply and the shape of femoral hea ...

结论带血管蒂骨膜骨瓣并松质骨及骨髓移植,彻底清除死骨和减压,配合中药治疗,可恢复股骨头血运及股骨头外形,适宜于F icatⅠⅡ期青壮年ANFH患者。

Mature males are easily sexed by the presence of hemipenal bulges as well as femoral pores.


BMD measurement of femoral neck without external reference phantom based on QCT data is an effective and feasible method, both MVM and LVM selected as internal reference is more convenient and has no difference comparing with erector spinae as internal reference.


[Objective]To evaluate the biomechanical features of NiTi shape memory alloy stemless femoral prosthesis.


MethodsICH model was produced by stereotactically infusing 75 ul autologous fresh blood taken from rat femoral artery into the right caudate nucleus.


BACKGROUND: Subchondral fractures were identified as the most complication of the femoral head necrosis and had important influences on the treatment and prognosis.


Subchondral screw fixation for femoral neck fractures.


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There is tow kinds of aminophenol in the protein sequence, the one is hydrophobe aminophenol, the other is hydrophile aminophenol.


Power of motor is convected to gearbox through belt , and after slowdown and increase torsion, the power is passed to the main shaft of the disc and drive it to rotate.


"By the sounds of it, being an "active participant" simply means you have to be within a close proximately of the monsters on death, but that does not mean that you will actually need to help in any way, shape, or form in killing it."
