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与 feminine 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The feminine of ancient romans wore stola and palla.


Moreover, most of them have already eliminated the scary part of image and only maintains the good wife one. Chapter five "genderal cultures in hetero-type marriage stores" discuss sources of those concepts and criticize them from feminine perspectives. This chapter emphasizes three aspects: rules for traditional wives in those stories, female images in those stories, and the communicative patter of the two sex in those stories. This chapter intends to find sexual cultures in the stories, explores discrimination in the patriarchic society and shows sympathy of it.


The work is both masculine (combining a pixilated computer generated image with military uniforms) and feminine (with sewing and details of buttons and embroidery).


In Winnie's impression, Mona Lisa, who appears to be a little plumpish, nonetheless is a symbol of feminine beauty, elegant, refined and revealing an air of reservation. Winnie added that she herself doesn't belong to this category.


Water margin,that a work dedicated to masculine has always been highly appreciated.yet,it is beyond any doubt that the book presents a biased and even unjust feature of the feminine .there are few women personages in water margin which can be divided into two kinds briefly: namely "lady of easy virtue" and "heroine".novel go on two extremes overly that women'figure was denied impersonal role maid image mould either "bad" or reach "manlike " so that they cant cross to two description of woman these because the writer was intended or involuntary to describe them these.consequently the women' figure maked untrue exceedingly as to the lady of easy virtue write it to the limit excessively ruthlessly poisonously ; as for heroine write its walk chivalrous and loyal to the limit that the woman wasn't defeated by men.the female extreme image was pointed out that the intention of author come from the influence of the super male consciousness to a certain extent and it is inevitability because of masculine being in charge of linguistical power ,in fact, the appearance of women was just only minor role in order that the hero world need to regard man as the centre too.in a word womens destiny in water margin is a miserable foregone!


Many of Li He's palace blame and feminine querimony poetry were written in Chang'an where he lived as an official. The female images in these poems show some similar features that they all live a luxurious life and long for true love. However they often are subjected to cold reception.


Quinto Casadei's hard work and dedication to his distinctively feminine and sophisticated workmanship made him an immediate favorite with his female clientele.


Selects in the material on inorder to for person by mystical graceful graceful feminine daydream,both must leave the dust refinedly, and does not lose the nationalclothing characteristic, therefore must select with it feeling closelining, the pure silk, the tissue, the flower bud silk unionutilization, suddenly reveals its mystically, is graceful; Is and theblack gray and so on other colors embellishes using the clothing wholepurple, achieved the harmonious feeling, echoes with the subject;Again take has the national style design, lace element and so onsplicing as the design spot, joins the modern clothing synthesis tocut out the idea, during attenion popular element, needs to derivethis nationality traditional culture and the national specialcharacteristic penetrates from the national clothing color and themodelling into during the fashion female attire design, manifestsAmerica of the fashion which the national culture and the modern tidalcurrent unifies.


The nonwovens hygiene for feminine hygiene and medical must be inspected before sale and reprocess in China.


In its turn, beauty beamed forth the seventh Sephira, the masculine potency, firmness, corresponding to Yahweh Sabaoth, and this again produced the feminine potency splendour, represented by Elohe Sabaoth.

反过来,美丽微笑等等第七届Sephira ,男性潜能,坚定性,相应的耶和华千万军马,而这又产生了女性的潜能辉煌,代表Elohe千万军马。

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(In Touch With) Your Feminine Side
Something So Feminine About A Mandoline
Feminine Effects

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
