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与 feminine 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The feministic trend of thought, in the period of Neo-Cultural Movement, outspreads mainly from three major respects:(1) discussions on the feministic viewpoints;(2) changes of the attitudes toward marriage and family;(3) innovations of feminine ethical views.


But, in motion of any pendulous of need left and right sides, resemble making tennis, ski, dance etc, of feminine genu ministry get hurt what odds is as high as the male however is eightfold.


China scrapes the skin the therapy is take the Chinese medicine internal organs channels and collaterals study as the theory instruction, Chinese medicine non-pharmacotherapy and so on collection acupuncture, massage, finger-pressing, cupping merits, has blood circulation removing extravasted blood, the adjustment masculine and feminine elements, Shu Jintong to the human body to wind, functions and so on elimination toxin, oneself hematolysis.


In the past,most of us commented on these feminine images in social,political and historial ways.


To those who create themselves wits at the cost of feminine delicacy (a habit of mind which he never did hold with) to them he would concede neither to bear the name nor to herit the tradition of a proper breeding: while for such that, having lost all forbearance, can lose no more, there remained the sharp antidote of experience to cause their insolency to beat a precipitate and inglorious retreat.


Otherwise gender perspective doesn\'t mean to abstract the female isolatedly, instead, it puts the feminine question in the power relations which gender contains to carry on the inspection and the analysis.


This family creates the group.Looks up the cautious behavior center,periphery auxiliary by Zha Jizuo,Zha Shiji,looks up the child,Zha Rong,Zha Jing,looks up,Zha Kui,Zha Luanqing newly,looks up the glory and so on,but the Haining Zha feminine member also participates in the creation,becomes the Haining Zha literature family a lumine scent spot southeast,causes this family to create the group to sparkle.


Had rarely or never used protective;(11) MiceGrayAuto had realized the automatic processing of video data from the sexual preference observation system of rats, and MiceGrayManu had accomplished the analysis of images of sexual behaviors of rats;(12) Peripheral given of high dose androgen to female rats before its brain sexual differentiation had caused masculinization and defemininization in female rats, therefore led to homosexuality, and based on the results, we had established the female rat homosexual model;(13) Peripheral given of estrogen to male rats before its brain sexual differentiation had little effects on the sexual preference and sexual behavior of adult rats;(14) Peripheral given of estrogen antagonist to male rats before its brain sexual differentiation had markedly reduced masculine sexual behavior and interfered male sexual preference, but had no effect on feminine sexual behavior, and based on such results, we had established the male rat homosexual model, however the model have to be improved for better sensitivity;(15) The volume of sexually dimorphism nucleus of the preoptic area of the high dose androgen-treated female rats was significantly greater, while on the other hand the volume of AVPV of which was significantly lesser, than the female rat control.


With the black gracefulness, the black mysticalness, black noble, annotates the feminine inborn special characteristic.


The crossed legs express the unity of life and death,good and bad,skillful means and wisdom,masculine and feminine principles,samsara and nirvana,and the humor of nonduality.


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(In Touch With) Your Feminine Side
Something So Feminine About A Mandoline
Feminine Effects

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
