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与 feminine 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Feminine Erotica ; body-language ; esthetic notion ; subreption


Garrisoned in towns because of the high command's defensive complex, idle officers were turning to the charms of feminine companionship as a surcease from the rigors of war of which they had long become tired.


Meanwhile, American symbologist Robert Langdon, who is in Paris as a guest lecturer on Symbols and the sacred feminine, is contacted by the French police, and summoned to the Louvre to view the crime scene.


It was not until he understood the symbology behind the Grail that the feminine connection became clear.


This con ten is the syzygy motif, and it expresses the fact that a masculine, element is always paired with a feminine one.


May try to build with a leg on his shoulder, buttocks' extension causes feminine vagina muscle tautness, therefore the vagina stricts, has overcome the vagina too loose question.


The South African implementation apartheid policy, her parents are too busy in the 60s just at the time wins over "the Caucasian" for her the status, actually has launched "the black and white struggle"; The Shan Tela awakens by the inexhaustible mental effort oneself takes the African feminine status and the cultural value.


I saw in the sky in 2008 one day late at night ,The goddess of mercy is an extremely beautiful young Chinese female, Does not have this beautiful female in the world, She uses the Chinese feminine sound to say: I am the goddess of mercy ,You are my disciple.


In this paper,Mary Oliver's poetry is discussed and analyzed to illustrate her exploration of "thingness" in her feminine writing as it reawakens our consciousness of the intrinsic value of nature.


Exploration of "thingness",how respect for nature should see nature as a separate and equal other,is an important theme conveyed in Cixous' feminine writing.


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(In Touch With) Your Feminine Side
Something So Feminine About A Mandoline
Feminine Effects

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9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
