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与 feminine 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They attracted women with their sexuality and need for feminine warmth and guidance, sort of the type who brings out the seductress and mother in many woman.


In Forever Sweet , Sun Guojuan becomes more direct. She covers her body with white sugar, symbolising sweetness, and takes photographs in the style of classical portraits, suggesting quietness and sorrow, self-compassion and pain, so as to express middle-aged women's nostalgia for their fading beauty and sweet emotions, but also to question esthetic criteria decreed by men, always for the sole purpose of consuming feminine beauty.


From national, the national benefit embarked complies to fill and to kiss resolutely, has left behind the Chinese family clothing in ba the bridge, the performance is a strong feminine image, for own spouse, for the country, she decided self-devotion happiness.


No one can deny that Chen Ran is a feminine writer; however, we find by analyzing her works that what she expresses is not only the women's standpoint or their self-existent status but also the concern with the life and the pain in the life.


On the poetics level, using a irrational female-genesis to self-explaining; using a "body-writing" as a self-domination, making a self-realization by ways of "dark","blood","death", such as those feminine imagination; making a self-represent ion by "monologue". On cultural consciousness level, takinga self-searching on reconsidering woman's status and ending in love; taking a self-awaking by showing what a mother had "done" for daughter in order to serve and maintain man society; introducing a self-remolding through recover and rebel the man ideology; be self-awakening and oppugning the man-centre society, within its cultural "make","assimilation" to female herself.


The structure of the cosmos is a fundamental binary principle that governs the manifestations of all the particulars:"the aether fire of flame", which is gentle, mild, soft, thin and clear, and self-identical — this is something like the masculine principle — and the other is "ignorant night", body thick and heavy — this is something like the feminine principle.


I like a lady who doesn't mind being feminine and is comfortable with her own sensuality.


My female friends comment that my portrait is more elegant and slimer when I am wearing a Chinese qipao. If I am wearing a pair of shoes with high heels at the same time, the feminine meekness almost meets my personal characters.


The masculine Sun is the particular significator of the marriage partner in a woman's horoscope , and the feminine Moon signifies the spouse in a man's chart.


I am not that used to this kind of feminine thing, and purple is my SIL's favourite colour, so I am giving that away.


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(In Touch With) Your Feminine Side
Something So Feminine About A Mandoline
Feminine Effects

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9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
