英语人>网络例句>feed 相关的网络例句
与 feed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The rappel/abseil rope should feed through each of the two anchors independently unless the anchor has been specifically manufactured as a rappel/abseil anchor and designed with one point of contact (i.e. it is not acceptable to feed the rope through a single non-rated D-shackle or similar product).


Interestingly enough, not only do the fish come and wait to feed at this location, even the aigrettes know there are many fish here, and come to feed on fish.


Newly spawned widows feed on krill and copepods, while older species feed in the water column on gelatinous zooplankton, crab, some amphipods, krill, and small fishes.

新生成的遗孀饲料 krill 和桡足类,而凝胶浮游动物、蟹、 amphipods、 krill 及小鱼上的水列中的较旧的物种饲料。

Feed additive and diluters with iodine, cobalt, and selenium, industrial raw materials and glass equipments, which are widely used in pharmacy, chemistry, feed, electroplating, and surface processing industries, with sales network all around China by our credit and reputation.


Feed additive and diluters with iodine, cobalt, and selenium, industrial raw materials and glass equipments, which are widely used in pharmacy, chemistry, feed, electroplating, and surface processing industries, with sales network all around china by our credit and reputation.


We hope you pay more attention to jobs are as follows haven't been finished this week:(1) right and left side of upper water wall has been aligned and fixed;(2) Nine downcomers been pre-stored;(3) All the wall packing aligned and fixed, then install right and left side rigid beam;(4) Finishing welding counterpart of front wall packing;(5) Get two booster pump for turbine driven boiler feed water pump aligned and make inspection;(6) Electric Feed Water Pump Unit, Coupling and Motor Pump positioned;(7) Equipment in Start-up Boiler House aligned and make inspection;(8) Get three Reusing Water Pump aligned;(9) Equipment in Integrated Water Pump House aligned and make inspection.


Rabbits in the model group were treated with high fat feed (common feed + 1 g of cholesterol and 8 g of pork fat).

模型组用高脂饲料喂养,即在普通饲料中加入1 g胆固醇和8 g猪油。

In a pilot scale reverse flow reactor with a liter of catalyst, catalytic combustion of typical industrial waste gas contaminated with volatile aromatic compounds was systematically investigated, and the "temperature run-away"in the case of too high feed concentration and the " extinction of reactor" in the case of low feed concentration were observed.


MR141 brush type sawtooth shell fine hair machine made up of six parts mainly, framework department separately, The case department of the job, saw one tube of departments, the brush department, Feed to the case department of seeds, feed to the mechanism department of seeds automatically.

MR141型毛刷式锯齿剥绒机专为从轧花机排出的棉籽上剥取短绒之用,调整好不同的配车规格,分别可以剥取头道、二道或三道短绒。而且 MR141型剥绒机在原机的基础上作了重大改进。

MR141 brush type sawtooth shell fine hair machine made up of six parts mainly, framework department separately, The case department of the job, saw one tube of departments, the brush department, Feed to the case department of seeds, feed to the mechanism department of seeds automatically. Because of the reason of the subject for research of the author of this text, this text lays particular emphasis on the ensemble architecture and design which saws tube and job case, Department install structure analyse and check strength intensity of part mainly structure in machine mainly.


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Feed Me Jack Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Peter Sellers
Feed My Frankenstein
Feed My Frankenstein (Live)
Feed The Wolves
Feed Your Ego
Feed This Fire
There's A Beast And We All Feed It
Feed My Dreams
The One You Feed
Feed The Dada

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
