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与 fauna 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most Hulas tell a story; often about the beauty of the land, the sea, the flora and the fauna upon the islands.


This hypothesis lacks supporting evidence because the Burgess Shale fauna contained many molluskan fossils, and the Cheng-Jiang animal fossils had stomach, mouth, and nerve soft tissues of mollusks that were well-preserved and clearly seen.


In contrast to the 20th century, the number of orang has decreased by more than 92% or so, and the number in Sumatra, however, decreased half during the period from 1993 to 2000, the left fauna only distributes in some islands, and they will be isolated on and on, thus the "emigrants" of orang remain rare.


We can admire the floating line dancing under its sinusoidal volutes as well as the fauna and the flora of the middle through the two panoramic glass portholes.


Results: The profiles of split trace of 40 bone fossil samples respectively from Stegodon orientalis, Chinese rhinoceros, Cervus and other mammalian fauna were identified, some of them were found blunt and might be rodent bite marks.

结果 经40件东方剑齿象、中国犀、鹿等残骨化石标本断裂痕迹剖面的观测,发现有部分骨化石断裂剖面圆钝,似啮齿动物的咬痕,但大部分骨化石断端剖面呈锥形切削改造,有的双面削刮呈锐利器型,有的存在明显打击或铲刮的&印记&,初步认为属早期人类制作骨器的遗迹。

It draws inspiration from a list of flora and fauna, but designer André Lyngra syphons down sources to two: the leopard and the stingray.


Imagine tropical geographies with unusual flora and fauna, a different rhythm and pace to life, a variety of languages, ancient customs, religions based in meditation, and music that is both strange and odd-sounding to the unaccustomed Western ear.


It maintains exhibits of some of Nepal's most well known and endangered fauna, including one-horned Indian rhinos, Bengal tigers, and the clouded leopard.


It maintains exhibits of some of Nepal's most well known and endangered fauna, including one-horned Indian rhinos, Bengal tigers, and the clouded leopard.


Owned by the conservation organisation Nature Seychelles, Cousin is a con-servation success story that has undoubtedly saved the Seychelles warbler population from extinction as well as being a reserve for a wide range of fauna, including doves, skinks and giant tortoises.


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White Kite Fauna

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
