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与 fauna 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Seed, typically found off northern China and Japan, bolster the resident marine fauna when the monsoonal flow brings in cooler waters.


Mytilus edulis dominated the biomass and density of the macrobenthic fauna on the two sections. The biomass and density of the mid intertidal zone were greater than those of the low zone.


Neotropical flora and fauna.epiphytic ferns of Madagascar to tropical Asia and New Guinea.


Neotropical flora and fauna.


According to the fauna compositions of mammals, 49 species belong to the oriental realm, about 71.01%, 11 species to the palaearctic realm, about 15.94%, and 9 species are widespread species, about 13.05%.


As to what happened to the Palaeocene fauna, the evidence points not towards an errant asteroid but to a giant burp from the oceans, which released a huge amount of methane.


Oedipodidae has the most species in grasshopper accounting for 16.7% of total species.The main fauna elements are Palearctic species.


We compared three competing hypotheses which maintained that euprimates originated in Africa, the India subcontinent, or East Asia. Combined the recent achievements on the mammalian fauna exchanges during early Eocene between Europe and Africa, Europe and Asia, and Asia and India subcontinent, the paleogeographic models of around Turgai Strait, the new dating results of the collision between Indian subcontinent and Asia, and the phylogenetic analysis of euprimate, we suggested that the Asian-origin hypothesis of euprimates are more reliable.


There are a variety of more than 2000 kinds of plants and animals, the types of fauna per unit area higher than the national average ratio of 27 times more than arguta kiwi, Phellodendron amurense, Juglans mandshurica, wild soybean, Ciwujia state protection, such as a plant.


It is involved in many aspects of organic matter decomposition, partial regulation of microbial activities, nutrient cycles and crumbly structure. Depending on their diet (saprophagous, phytophagous or predation), soil fauna is closely linked both to each other and to microorganisms, plants and soil.

本论文试图以土壤动物作为生物指标来评价土壤重金属污染,通过对重金属污染区(以浙江省富阳环山乡受污染的农田为例)土壤动物群落结构的调查和在室内设置一定的污染浓度梯度处理的盆栽试验两种方式研究了重金属污染对土壤动物群落的影响,主要结论如下: 1。

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White Kite Fauna

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
