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与 fauna 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The pathogen of cucumber powdery mildew is Sphaerotheca cucurbitae or Erysiphe cucurbitacearum, according to "Fauna Sinica of Fungi, Erysiphales". But in this study, it was identified by morphologic characters as Sphaerotheca fuliginea by providers in College of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiaotong University.

黄瓜白粉病的病原菌据《中国真菌志,白粉菌目》记载存在两种,分别为瓜类单囊壳和葫芦科白粉菌,但上海地区致病的病原菌据上海交通大学农业与生物学院植物病理研究室形态鉴定为Sphaerotheca fuliginea。

One hundred and fifteen species were identified, among which coastal eurythermic species were predominant, showing obvious characteristics of subtropical population fauna. The results showed that the average abundance of phytoplankton in Shacheng Harbour was 3113.24 ind·L-1. The abundance was higher in the inner bay than that in the outer bay in horizontal distribution. The surface abundance was a little higher, but there was no significant gradient in different water layers in vertical distribution. Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Margalef richness index, Pielou evenness index and Simpson dominance index were 2.390, 2.650, 0.726 and 0.306, respectively.

结果表明,该次调查共出现浮游植物115种,种类以沿岸广温广盐性种为主,并呈现较为明显的亚热带海湾种群区系特征,浮游植物的平均丰度为3 113.24 ind·L-1;水平分布上,呈内湾高于外湾的格局;垂直分布上,表层丰度略高,不同水层的分布梯度不明显;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数、Pielou均匀度指数和Simpson优势度指数分别为2.390、2.650、0.726、0.306。

It made a summarize about the basic condition, final aims, basic regulations and limitations of WTO and those of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Based on that, a analysis was made for the possible conflicts between WTO and CITES through the comparison of some typical cases about wildlife trade. It suggests that the regulations and policies associated with environment and trades, the regulation of "the latter excelling the former" and "the especial excelling the normal", and the "exceptive" regulation can be used to unpuzzle and avoid the conflicts.


The study focus on the distribution patterns of modern and fossil benthic foraminiferal fauna and their relationship with environmental variables, and the physical and chemical properties of the deep water.


Also, the study provides spatial and temporal information on the distribution patterns and compositional characteristics of modern and fossil benthic foraminiferal fauna, and their relation to the environmental variables.


However, the high abundance of ostracodan and foraminiferan was distributed in deeper water while the high abundance of nematodan was presented in coastal water, and they could meet the distribution rules of these fauna groups.


By investigating the fauna of Formicidae in Urumqi and its vicinities, in this paper, it is reported that there are 37 species of Formicidae in these areas, belonging to 13 genera and two subfamilies.


The species diversity of invertebrates belonging to the phyla Gnathostomula, Gastrotricha, Nematomospha, Onychophora and Pterobrancbia are nearly unknown from China's fauna.


Gondwana ; Tethys ; Late Carboniferous ; Early Permian ; mixed fauna ; glaciomarine deposits ; Xainza ; Tibet


The bacterivorous nematode were the dominant trophic group, and Mersorhabitis, Heterodera and Rhabditis were the dominant fauna .


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White Kite Fauna

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
