英语人>网络例句>fast 相关的网络例句
与 fast 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Over the past few years a host of fast-growing firms such as Elance, oDesk and LiveOps have begun to take advantage of "the cloud"—tech-speak for the combination of ubiquitous fast internet connections and cheap, plentiful web-based computing power—to deliver sophisticated software that makes it easier to monitor and manage remote workers.

在过去几年内诸如Elance, oDesk和LiveOps这样快速发展的公司开始利用&云&--即将无处不在的快速网络连接与廉价的、强大的基于网络的计算能力相结合的技术名词--提供精妙的软件以便可以更容易的监控和管理异地员工。

The fast part and the slow part were analyzed for the inverse problems. The solutions for the fast part are found emanative through the analysis.


The fast part and the slow part are analyzed for the inverse problems. The solutions for the fast part are found emanative through the analysis.


Fast Fourior Transform plays an important roll in digital signal processing,its the kernel algorithm in a lot of process for signal processing.this paper first summarizes many algorithm for Fast Fourior Transform that in common use and synthesizes many reasons to adopt the radix-2 Demation-in-Frequency algorithm,then it compares two ways of implementing digital signal processing,the two ways are in field-programmable gata array and in programmable digital signal processor respectively.it points out the advantage and disadvantage of two ways.


For fast orthogonal transformation algorithm, the paper carries out detailed research and analysis. In terms of many transform coding, it put forward these four rapid transformation algorithms which are Discrete Cosine Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform, Harr Transform, Walsh-Handmaid Transform, and analysis of these fast algorithms in image compression applications.


S Broad asphalt along the main road, followed by the array of more than 30 of its significant interest in large, medium and small Recreation: If the crazy "roller coaster" in the air on the track and came to a series of somersaults, and let you experience a soul-stirring centrifugal, rapid rotation of panic, can be done to stimulate;"fast scooters" in the track km On the fast, as Shirupozhu dive 30 meters high slope, Huer mad to Jixuan, feelings like Cloud Nine fall, as if riding a bull at running back; in particular, the addition of new large-scale projects,"Challenger Tour" Mars will give you the speed of excitement around the world,"wind speed," you over 10 meters in height, during which around and up and down several times before and after the turnover, there is a non-feet under the ultimate experience weightlessness; and the "monster House "is another boost fan, pitch dark, cold wind gusts, desperate calls and setting of zombie ghosts and volatile side of the creeps you scared, scared; 50 meters out to the" Ferris wheel "to let you enjoy the" List Small hills,"the sense of endless;" Liu Yong Jin,"When you enjoy the" drift "Huiguoshenlai no sense, as water spilled from the mountain 10 meters high fly drift down the moment, the heart Has been hanging in the air to the; also hit eyeful of Venus "bumper car"; as the mischievous people Shuaixiang half-empty,"Spider-Star,""rotating aircraft" and "forest mouse car," and so on, you will be able to bring a Although the stimulus was accompanied by tears, but more interest is the doubling of the situation, a test of your willpower.


Doppler frequency offsets in rapid mobile environments result in both the fast fading of radio channels and intercarrier interference in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing systems. In order to combat the impact of ICI on OFDM systems in fast fading channels, an ICI mitigation technique is proposed in this paper.


Dispatch of sina science and technology on Feburary 20 evening news, be oppugned in the light of fast thunder " larcenous user file " be related, fast thunder company just makes a response.

新浪科技讯 2月20日傍晚消息,针对迅雷被质疑&盗窃用户文件&一事,迅雷公司刚刚作出回应。

Now Friday, says I, laying down the discharg'd Pieces, and taking up the Musket, which was yet loaden; follow me, says I, which he did, with a great deal of Courage; upon which I rush'd out of the Wood, and shew'd my self, and Friday close at my Foot; as soon as I perceiv'd they saw me, I shouted as loud as I could, and bad Friday do so too; and running as fast as I could, which by the way, was not very fast, being loaden with Arms as I was, I made directly towards the poor Victim, who was, as I said, lying upon the Beach, or Shore, between the Place where they sat, and the Sea; the two Butchers who were just going to work with him, had left him, at the Suprize of our first Fire, and fled in a terrible Fright, to the Sea Side, and had jump'd into a Canoe, and three more of the rest made the same way; I turn'd to Friday, and bid him step forwards, and fire at them; he understood me immediately, and running about forty Yards, to be near them, he shot at them, and I thought he had kill'd them all; for I see them all fall of a Heap into the Boat; though I saw two of them up again quickly: However, he kill'd two of them, and wounded the third; so that he lay down in the Bottom of the Boat, as if he had been dead.


Some work of the study of the fast algorithms- Fast Multipole Method for analysis of electromagnetic compatibility has been done in this paper.


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Fast As A Shark
Nowhere Fast
Fast Cars
Goodbye We're Falling Fast
Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast
Life's Too Short To Love This Fast
Live Young, Die Fast
Fast And Slow
Fast Horse

The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
