英语人>网络例句>fast 相关的网络例句
与 fast 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Software Description: XCCalc is a Floating-Point calculator program with the following features:- Can calculate with complex numbers like z = x + i*y - Extra precision to millions of decimal places - Uses Fast Hartley Transform to speed-up long multiplies - Separate input and output notation, base 2 to base 36 - Efficient Transcendental functions - Hyperbolic functions - Greatest Common Divisor function.

XCCalc XPCalc 是一款带有下列功能的浮点计算器软件:可以计算诸如 z = x + i*y 这样的复杂算术公式;带有数百万小数位的额外精度;使用 Fast Hartley Transform 以加速长乘法计算;基于2到36个单独的输入和输出表记法;高效的验算函数;双曲线函数;最大公约数函数。

The Fast Money host smartly asked Eisner if he was aware of what he was proclaiming over the airwaves, and the guest stuck to his story, saying, I know the deal's been made and I know the strike is over.

Fast Money节目主持人巧妙的提醒Eisner他是否知道自己在说什么,及这一消息是否确实时,他说:我知道他们已经达成了协议而且我知道罢工已经结束。

Simulation results show that Fast RSVP scheme, compared with other traditional RSVP extensions for mobile environments, has the following advantages:(1) it realizes a mobile node handover with QoS guarantees;(2) it avoids resource wasting caused by triangular routes and duplicate reservations in mobile IP handover process;(3) it distinguishes different types of reservation requests, greatly reducing the handover session forced termination rate while maintaining high performance of the network.

仿真实验结果表明,与其他移动环境中的RSVP扩展方案相比,该Fast RSVP方案在支持无线移动通信方面具有如下优势:(1)能够实现移动节点带有服务质量保证的快速切换;(2)能够避免移动IP切换过程中三角路由和重复预留造成的资源浪费;(3)能够区分不同类型的切换预留请求,在保证网络整体性能的前提下显著降低因为切换而导致的服务中断率。

A hydrophone was used with a Fast Fourier Transfer analyzer to monitor and investigate the frequency spectrum during the ultrasonic-vibration treatment. The cavitation behaviors and erosion mechanisms of treated liquids were based on the observation of bubble dynamics and high-speed digital photographs.

主要利用水听器配合快速傅立叶转换器(Fast Fourier Transfer; FFT)进行超音波在液体中的频谱监测与调查,透过空泡动态观察及高速数位照片的比较及分析,藉以了解超音波在各种液体中的空泡行为及作用机制。

The middling or high signal was showed for cartilage in T2WI. The hoariness signal was showed for cartilage in T2*/C/RF-FAST/VOL and T2*/T /FE/MTC/MAST.

软骨对脂肪CNR"极佳"的有T1WI、T2*/C/RF-FAST/VOL、T2*/T/FE/MTC/MAST和T1/C/ FSE /C+;"良好"的有T2WI;"一般"的有STIR / T/FSE/PSAT。

This paper focuses on the study of the most popular FAST-MCD method which is improved to overcome its shortcoming, constructs robust mean vector and robust covariance matrix which is applied in PCA method.


This dissertation focus on the study of the most popular FAST-MCD method which is improved by concentrating on its shortcoming, constructs robust mean vector and robust covariance matrix which is applied in Principal component analysis method and Factor analysis.


For example: Oracle may choose an index fast full scan instead of an index range scan because the compressed index is now much smaller, and your setting for parameter db_file_multiblock_read_count is large; or Oracle may choose to use an index and do a nested loop because the index is now 30% smaller, where previously it was doing a table scan and hash join.

由于压缩索引现在更小了,对参数db_file_multiblock_read_count也较大,那么Oracle可能选择一个index fast full scan而不是index range scan;或者由于索引减小了30%,Oracle选择使用一个索引和nested loop,而之前它用表扫描和hash join。

This paper proposes one set of leakage point location system based on the correlation analysis, through the virtual instrument technology. We choose the water sound signals as the studying object when the pipelines leak out, carry out the orientation task via the Fast Fourier Transform.

本文采用虚拟仪器技术,设计了一套基于相关分析算法的管道漏点定位系统,即选择管道泄漏时产生的、在管道中传播的声发射信号为研究对象,通过基于快速傅立叶变换(FFT,Fast Fourier Transformation)算法的相关分析来实现漏点的检测与定位。

This paper designs the communication system of radio telescope FAST.


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Fast As A Shark
Nowhere Fast
Fast Cars
Goodbye We're Falling Fast
Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast
Life's Too Short To Love This Fast
Live Young, Die Fast
Fast And Slow
Fast Horse

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
