英语人>网络例句>fast 相关的网络例句
与 fast 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, the advance of intracellular labeling techniques enables us not only to visualize more complete dendritic arbor for qualitative ahalysis, but also to examine the relation between changes in the dendritic arborization and the evoked fast postsynaptic curents in the same neurons during the postnatal development.

但是,细胞内染色技术的进步使我们不仅能观察到更完整的树突分支来用于定性研究,而且也可以在同一神经元上研究在发育过程中树突分支的变化与诱发的快突触后电流(fast postsynaptic currents,fPSCs)之间的关系。

Click graphic for enlargement About four items down from the top of the Fast Color Corrector, you'll see a little white square with an eye dropper next to it with a label to the left called White Balance. All you need to do to correct the shot that's not properly white balanced is to sample something in the shot that is, or is supposed to be, white.

,从上到下基本上由四个方面组成Fast Color Corrector调色器,你会看到一个白色的方块,边上还有一个吸管工具,在左边有一个标签,上面写着White Balance,所有你需要做的就是纠正视频里不恰当的白平衡,只要用吸管工具选择视频画面中的某一点,这一点在你认为原来应该是白色的(或是灰色的,即不偏色区域),这个举动就告诉调色工具你选择的这个区域应该是白色的,对于其他一切的校色都是基于这一步开始的。

Click graphic for enlargement About four items down from the top of the Fast Color Corrector, you'll see a little white square with an eye dropper next to it with a label to the left called White Balance. All you need to do to correct the shot that's not pro perly white balanced is to sample something in the shot that is, or is supposed to be, white. What you're doing is telling the software that this is white, correct everything else based on this.

,从上到下基本上由四个方面组成Fast Color Corrector调色器,你会看到一个白色的方块,边上还有一个吸管工具,在左边有一个标签,上面写着White Balance,所有你需要做的就是纠正视频里不恰当的白平衡,只要用吸管工具选择视频画面中的某一点,这一点在你认为原来应该是白色的(或是灰色的,即不偏色区域),这个举动就告诉调色工具你选择的这个区域应该是白色的,对于其他一切的校色都是基于这一步开始的。

Click graphic for enlargement About four items down from the top of the Fast Color Corrector, you'll see a little white square with an eye dropper next to it with a label to the left called White Balance. All you need to do to correct the shot that's not properly white balanced is to sample something in the shot that is, or is supposed to be, white. What you're doing is telling the software that this is white, correct everything else based on this.

,从上到下基本上由四个方面组成Fast Color Corrector调色器,你会看到一个白色的方块,边上还有一个吸管工具,在左边有一个标签,上面写着White Balance,所有你需要做的就是纠正视频里不恰当的白平衡,只要用吸管工具选择视频画面中的某一点,这一点在你认为原来应该是白色的(或是灰色的,即不偏色区域),这个举动就告诉调色工具你选择的这个区域应该是白色的,对于其他一切的校色都是基于这一步开始的。

UK BANASH INTERNATIONAL GROUP LIMITED is one of the worlds leading laundry catenation enterprise. As a well-known company, it mainly involving laundry machinery and equipment products, providing sales, repair and maintenance."UK BANASH FAST DRY CLEANING CATENATION SYSTEM" started at the beginning of the 21 century.

UK BANASH INTERNATIONAL GROUP LIMETE专业从事洗涤设备、耗材的研制及洗衣品牌的连锁经营,是全球知名的洗衣连锁企业。21世纪初,UK BANASH FAST DRY CLEANING连锁体系强势启动。

UK BANASH INTERNATIONAL GROUP LIMITED is one of the world's leading laundry catenation enterprise. As a well-known company, it mainly involving laundry machinery and equipment products, providing sales, repair and maintenance."UK BANASH FAST DRY CLEANING CATENATION SYSTEM" started at the beginning of the 21 century.

UK BANASH INTERNATIONAL GROUP LIMETE专业从事洗涤设备、耗材的研制及洗衣品牌的连锁经营,是全球知名的洗衣连锁企业。21世纪初,UK BANASH FAST DRY CLEANING连锁体系强势启动。

Place that clip on your timeline, and we'll apply the Fast Color Corrector to it.

把视频放到你的时间线窗口,然后我们给它赋予一个 Fast Color Corrector 效果。

Fast print speed, instant-on fuser, large memory, fast processor and a high monthly duty cycle deliver the best performance for small workgroups.


In this dissertation , the main works of the author is follows:(1)The method FPI (Fast Plaintext Imbedded to the divisor) is improved, which makes the probability of the plaintext not be imbedded into the divisor nearly to zero and its velocity is fast.

在本论文中,作者主要做了以下几个方面的工作:(1)改进了明文嵌入超椭圆曲线除子的FPI(Fast Plaintext Imbedded to the divisor)方法,该方法使明文不能嵌入到超椭圆曲线的除子的概率几乎为零,且其速度较快,可用于椭圆曲线密码体制。

The FAST (Fatigue, Aerodynamic, Structures and Turbulence) Code was applied to predict loading to a 1.5 MW three-bladed upwind horizontal-axis wind turbine. The output of FAST code containing the specified wind turbine geometric and loading information was transferred to the ADAMS program for turbine blade motion analysis and its structural modal and deformation analysis.


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Fast As A Shark
Nowhere Fast
Fast Cars
Goodbye We're Falling Fast
Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast
Life's Too Short To Love This Fast
Live Young, Die Fast
Fast And Slow
Fast Horse

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
