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far IR相关的网络例句

查询词典 far IR

与 far IR 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No matter how far apart we are, my thought always find ir way back to you.


No matter how far apart we are, my thought always find the ir way back to you.


A,an=not ab,abs=away ad,a,ac,ad,af,al,an,ap,as,at=to;at ambi=both ana=up ante=before anti=against auto=self be=do bene=good cata=complete cent=hundred circum=around co,com,con=together contra=against de=down,off dec,deka=ten dia=across dis=apart duo,di,twi=two dys=bad en=make ento=inside epi=upon equi=equal eu=good ex,ec,e=out fore=ahead hetero=different holo=complete homo=same hyper=above hypo=below in,il,im,ir=inside;not infra=below inter,intel=between intra,intro=within iso=same macro=big mal=bad medi=middle mega=giant meta=change micro=small mis=wrongly mono=one multi,poly=many neo=new nona,ennea=nine ob,oc,of,op=toward oct=eight omni=all orth=straight pan=all para=beside per=through peri=around post=after pre,pri=before prin=first pro=forward quad,tetra=four quint,penta=five re=back retro=back se=apart semi,demi,hemi=half sept,hepta=seven sext,hexa=six solo=alone sub,suc,suf,sug,sum,sup,sur,sus=under super,sur=over supra=above syn,sym=same tele=far trans,tra=across tri,ter=three un,ne,non=not uni=one ultra=beyond

成年人学英文的第一课和第二课刊出后,有数位读者写E-mail给我。有一位说道:「一篇文章的每一个单字都查到解释了,但整篇文章就是看不懂,怎麼办?」另一位说:「我的文法很差,没办法写完整的英文句子,要如何补救?」当发音和字汇都掌握住学习要领之后,剩下的就是「读」和「写」了,这才符合学习英文的正确步骤:听→说→读→写。台湾传统的学习方式由「写」开始,再「读」,然后才「说」,最后再去补救「听」力,可以说是背道而行,难怪效果不彰。那麼学习「读」的要诀是什麼呢?当然最重要的是能够了解整个句子的涵义。记得初中的时候背了很多文法规则,考试的分数虽然很高,但是对「读」的能力没有帮助。连那个时候流行的「英语九百句型」,也从来没有耐心读完过。然而我们今天能够看懂中文的文章,难道是因为我们熟悉中文的文法吗?答案是否定的。同样地,一个美国人虽然能阅读报纸,但是要求他做「英文文法分析」,他可能也会傻眼。英文的句子其实不需要去靠文法书中的规则去了解,文法书只应当作参考书,在有疑惑的时候才去查阅。平常应养成「约定成俗」的习惯,就是看别人怎麼用,然后「依样画葫芦」,日积月累,文法规则就化为无形了。因此,要训练「读」的技巧,不应该是靠文法规则,而是要多读。但是在读之前,要具备「了解句子」的基本能力,这就是我们的第三课─了解英文句子的要诀。了解英文句子的关键,在於先抓住「主词」和「动词」。看到一句很长的英文句子,不要害怕:先找主词,再找动词。动词如果是「及物动词」,再去找「受词」。主词、动词、受词之外,剩下的通通当做修饰语,有的修饰主词,有的修饰动词,有的修饰受词,有的修饰全句;任何两个完整的句子都可以用连接词连接起来。以上简单几句话,就是了解英文句子的基本观念。了解英文句子的第二步是熟悉英语的五种基本句型,其中前两种与不及物动词有关,后三种与及物动词有关。以下的句子中,用大括号表示{主词}或{受词},中括号表示,剩下的部份都是修饰语。第一种与不及物动词有关的基本句型叫做「简单不及物句型」(Intransitive Verb,简称I),请背住以下五个句子

Their structures were characterized by IR, 1H NMR, of which 4-chloro- 2-methyl-7-(2-bromoethoxy) isoflavone, 2, 4\'-dimethyl-7-(2-bromo-ethoxy)isoflavone and 2-methyl-7-(2-bromoethoxy) isoflavone are rarely reported so far.4\'-chloro-2-methyl-7-(3-bromopropoxy)isoflavone, 2, 4\'-dimethyl-7-(3-bromo- propoxy) isoflavone, 2-methyl-7-(3-bromopropoxy) isoflavone, 4\'-methoxy-2-methyl-7-(3-bromopropoxy) isoflavone and 4\'-hydroxy-2-methyl-7-(3-bromopropoxy) isoflavone were gained by reacting 7-hydroxy-2-methyl isoflavone derivatives with 1, 3-dibromo- propane, respectively.

第三章(来源:73ABC论文网www.abclunwen.com)在丙酮溶液中以K_2CO_3为碱,使溴乙氧基异黄酮和溴丙氧基异黄酮与咪唑偶合,以较高的产率合成出10种目标化合物:2-甲基-4′-氯-7-2-(1-咪唑基乙氧基异黄酮、2,4′-二甲基-7-2-(1-咪唑基乙氧基异黄酮、2-甲基-7-2-(1-咪唑基乙氧基异黄酮、2-甲基-4′-甲氧基-7-2-(1-咪唑基乙氧基异黄酮、2-甲基-4′-羟基-7-2-(1-咪唑基乙氧基异黄酮、2-甲基-4′-氯-7-3-(1-咪唑基丙氧基异黄酮、2,4′-二甲基-7-3-(1-咪唑基丙氧基异黄酮、2-甲基-7-3-(1-咪唑基丙氧基异黄酮、2-甲基-4′-甲氧基-7-3-(1-咪唑基丙氧基异黄酮、2-甲基-4′-羟基-7-3-(1-咪唑基丙氧基异黄酮,经IR、~1H NMR、~(13)C NMR、元素分析等对其结构进行了表征,10种目标产物均未见文(来源:ABC论文cccccc网www.abclunwen.com)献报道。

As far as time alignment is concerned, in a certain space, IR element distends in quantity and evolves in quality to accumulate IR as time goes by. While as far as space alignment is concerned, in some certain time, IR element has diversion and exchange in quantity and quality to make the IR element flow.


Our results reconcile and quantify the earlier contradictory findings in the frame that the effect of bar on starburst is associated with the relative far-infrared luminosity and it is detectable only in galaxies with L〓/L〓 larger than 1/3, suggesting that bars translate their host galaxies into the relative IR-luminous group.


The writer had investigated the medical stone heat-treat with DTA,XRD,IR.Research shows that the main crystal phases are SiO2,K6Fe2O6,Al2O3 at 1000℃.Temperature effect of far infrared on the element materials was weakening after Medical stone has been joined.


It is pointed out that the solidifying and stoving furnace using far IR heating provides a heating process of radiation, conduction and convection.


And ZH_5 [Ga(H_2O)CoW_(11)O_(39)]·xH_2OZ=Zn~(2+, Ni~(2+), Mn~(2+) by double decomposition, Which is so far un —reported yet, its characterrization by IR, UV, X—ray diffraction and DTA were studied.


Far-IR and THz absorption spectra studies of cholic acid and deoxycholic acid.



No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
