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与 fantasy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The fragrance of lavender varieties was divided into six levels (score 1 represented fantasy fragrance, and score 6 represented poor fragrance), and sections Lavandula and Pterostoechas were evaluated with score 2 and score 6, respectively.

而薰衣草品种香气则被区分为六个等级﹝1代表香气等级最优良,6代表香气等级最低劣﹞,其中Lavandula 与Pterostoechas 这两个sections的等级分别为2 和6。

I have not even want to think that I would like to disappointment, I am really disappointed, I am too disappointed, I always think that, I have been in fantasy, through their own efforts, and perhaps one day will eventually be Lutao, even in the He can not, I can see him every day will be very happy, apart from him, I do not have any loved one, have not thought about what to love, I can not do without, I could not bear, in my mind only Lutao , There is Lu Tao, but you come back, I understand that all of a sudden, some things even if you are not further the efforts.


Every art work presents colourful and magnific shapes to guide the imaginative energy of consciousness, also into the poetic realm of fantasy.


It causes misrecognition, but makes us escape from the abyss of paranoid fantasy.


That incorporates titles. For purposes of this subsection,"titles" shall include without limitation rank titles (e.g.,"CorporalTed," or "GeneralVlad"), monarchistic or fantasy titles (e.g.,"KingMike","LordSanchez"), and religious titles (e.g.,"ThePope," or "Reverend Al").


In the forthcoming book The China Fantasy, James Mann, an experienced China watcher now at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, warns that living with a more powerful, nondemocratic Beijing would not be easy for the U.S.

现任职于XX学院(妈妈的,什么乱七八糟的校名)的资深中国观察家James Mann在他即将出版的新作《中国幻想》中警告说:和一个强大的,非民主的北京打交道将会很麻烦。

In the forthcoming book The China Fantasy, James Mann, an experienced China watcher now at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, warns that living with a more powerful, nondemocratic Beijing would not be easy for the U.S.


Because the virulent individuality characteristic is subjective, tenacious, sensitive oversuspicious, easy excited, the self-respect strong, the self-center, exceptional, to appraise high, the good fantasy, thus causes the aggressive driving behavior the production.


She broke the language, deliberately so that people can not help but shape the image of the fantasy associated Pina.


Thou hast by moonlight at her window sung with feigning voice verses of feigning love, and stolen the impression of her fantasy,with bracelets of thy hair,rings,gauds,conceits,knacks,trifles,nosegays,sweetmeats-messengers of strong prevailment in unharden'd youth;with cunning hast thou filch'd my daughter's heart,turn'd her obedience,which is due to me,to stubborn harshness.


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Into A Fantasy
Fantasy Man
Christmas Fantasy
Fantasy Friend Forever
Fantasy Girl
Rock 'N' Roll Fantasy

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
