英语人>网络例句>fake 相关的网络例句
与 fake 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Even though they all are brought up and educated in the so called Chinese Culture Area, there is discrepancy obviously in those things they are concerned more, and how they have been influenced from their respectively different context -- one tries to explore illusion, fake, dream and reality; one explores the meaning of life; one introspects on contemporary phenomena; one seeks a personal identity...


New products and new technical innovations were soon counterfeited, inundating the market with cheap and fake products, rendering companies unable to recycle investment in research and development and killing the drive of innovation.


News is all fake invoices to buy ...


Chinese police are hunting for a man suspected of masterminding a counterfeit drug ring that helped put fake diabetes drugs on the market in China.


Chinese police are hunting for a man suspected of masterminding a counterfeit drug ring that helped put fake diabetes drugs on the market in China.


YANGSHUO, China - Eyeing the sweaty crowd shifting along West Street, sellers of fake clothing and jewelry tout their wares, as the noise of pumping techno, amusement arcades and tour-guide megaphones reaches a deafening crescendo.

阳朔 ---慕名来到西街闲逛,看着挥汗如雨的人群,耳边环绕着小贩兜售冒牌时装和仿造珠宝的叫卖声,中间还夹杂着动感音乐、电子游戏以及导游扩音器的声音。

They crawled on the fake ceiling in all direction and crying meows.


This is not fake , the mathematics is fairly more rotten than me when my old dad reads a book.


Magic magic ring on the Austin force, the market is even more outrageous fake.


In some cases, painful cold markets, please - securities regulation, the result no doubt led to some of the --- more "fake", more tedious and unprofitable scenes inactive.


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We Can't Fake This
Fake Palindromes
Fake Tales Of San Francisco
Bite Your Lip And Fake It
Fake Diamond Kind
Fake ID
Too Fake
Don't Be Fake
Phoney Smiles & Fake Hellos

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
