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At his first face-to-face debate with Mr Obama on September 26th, he refused to look his opponent in the face, which made him seem crotchety and disrespectful.


Face detection system A new design of face detection system is proposed based upon color-based skin-like region segmentation and neural network-based face distinguishment.


In the detection process,detector can rapidly wash out the sub-window which is unlike face through the front of simple stronger classifiers;for the sub-window which is like face,in terms of similar degree distributer can dynamically select the back of stronger classifiers to determine whether it is a face.


Put 3 pcs of Spring Disc to the bottom of drawbar and the concave face down, then use the 3 pcs as one set, and the each set (3 pcs) back to back and face to face put the Spring disc to the drawbar.


The techniques of the midface rejuvenation develop with the understanding of the aging appearance and the development of the facial anatomy. The earliest form of rhytidectomy only removed a piece of redundant skin, but failed to achieve significant long-term benefit. To achieve a more durable benefit, numerous adaptations of face-lift techniques are devised, including SMAS face-lift, malar fat elevation and extended supraplastysmal plane face lift. The subperiosteal approach was firstly performed in 1980s. Youthful curve was detailed by Little William in 2000. To obtain the architectural ogee, the approach of volumetric sculpture, also named three-dimensional rejuvenation, was described.

随着整形美容外科医生对面部衰老变化的认识和面部解剖学的发展,中面部年轻化手术也随之发生着演变:最初的面部除皱术只是单纯去除松弛的皮肤,但术后远期效果不理想;为获得更加持久的效果,到20世纪70年代开始了一系列面部提升术,包括:各种SMAS提升术、颧脂肪垫提升术,扩大的颈阔肌上面部提升术;到20世纪80年代后期,学者提出为获得和谐的面部容貌应进行骨膜下面部除皱术;而到21世纪初Little William提出了"青春曲线"的概念,并实施了容量雕刻技术,即三维中面部年轻化手术。

I give you face you don't wanna face,you lose you face ,I turn my fac


I give you face you don't wanna face,you lose you fac e ,I turn my face


Asia has been the brick face and smooth face choices which smooth face of a dark-brick called themselves, the surface appearance, resulting in glossy mirror, a marble effect.


According to the regulation in《universal technical requirements for eye and face protectors》and《equipment for eye and face protection during welding operations》in our Country, we took part in and finished the design of the shell and the circuit of the face guard.


The recognition performance of face racial recognition is the best than face gender recognition and joint property recognition. Asymmetrical perception effect in human face area is appeared in facial recognition.


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Face To Face
Face To Face
Face To Face
Face To Face
Face To Face With Life
Face 2 Face
Face To Face
Face To Face
Face To Face
Face To Face

With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.


But he could still end up breakfasting on Swiss-government issue muesli because all six are accused of nicking around 45 million pounds they should have paid to FIFA.


Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......
