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与 extra-ocular 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ultrasound,ERCP,MRCP,liver enzyme profile and reoperation confirmed the folowing: Extra-hepatic bile duct or the right hepatic duct was ligated in 9 cases,common bile duct residual stone in 6,partial gallbladder or gallbladder duct stone in 4,biliary leak in 4, cholangitic hepatitis in 4,hepatitis B or posthepatitis cirrhosis in 5,icterus after blood transfusion in 2,hemobilia in 2, ligation of right branch of hepatic artery in 2, and icterus of unknown causes in 5 cases.


Through the knowledge of the urban societies, this case study puts the New Caoya Urban Squatter Settlements back in the Story of the urbanization and the housing policy, discuss its historic and social formation, breaks the public opinion's prejudice, puts in light the ill-assorted sharing of the country resources and the unequal development of the cities.At the same time, this research introduces the formation and the structure of the New Caoya Urban Squatter Settlements - it comes at first from the urban development bringing a need of workers, the population migrates massively from the countryside to the city, the study shows more clearly the bad regulation of the housing policy. In the time, the authorities, to relieve the tension of the consumption, let the Squatter Settlements form. With the evolution of the urbanization, it became a choice of extra housing. Today the New Caoya Squatter Settlements play still an important role among the low incomes families.


Through the introduction of extra-territorial entity the Commission, the essay analyses comparatively the world's principal legislative Two Legal model, namely: to France, Hong Kong represented by legal personality model; to Germany, Taiwan as the representative character of the illegal people model; to Japan represented a compromise model, and the jurisprudence of the United States as the representative model of corporate personality.


Your soltuion is broken IMO, I shouldn't have to do extra work just to use your product.


Hagemann thinks Callistus-Praxeas especially attacked the doctrine of the Apologists and of Hippolytus and Tertullian, which assigned all such attributes as impassibility and invisibility to the Father and made the Son alone capable of becoming passible and visible, ascribing to Him the work of creation, and all operations ad extra.


It is true that the Monarchians opposed this Platonizing in general, but it is not evident that they had grasped the principle that all the works of God ad extra are common to the Three Persons as proceeding form the Divine Nature; and they seem to have said simply that God as Father is invisible and impassible, but becomes visible and passible as Son.

诚然, Monarchians反对这一Platonizing一般,但并不明显,他们已经掌握了原则,即所有的作品上帝的广告额外的共同三人作为诉讼形式的神性,他们似乎已经说只是,上帝的父亲是无形的,恝,而是变成可见光和passible的儿子。

Because of the vesicle\'s impenetrability, the rod segmentsexert an inhomogeneous entropic pressure on the vesicle and induce a change of the vesicle shape. The interaction between the rod segments and the vesicle membrane exerts an extra tension to the membrane.


Each member function has an extra, implicit parameter that binds the function to the object on which the function was called.


This is really a different disguise of a built-in function, this time containing an object passed to the C function as an implicit extra argument.


Molly : Well, I am in a bind, and I could use some extra greenbacks.


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Extra Smooth
Extra Ordinary Thing
One Extra Hour
Extra, Extra
Extra Extra
Extra, Extra
Extra, Extra
Extra, Extra
Extra Extra
Extra Extra Credit

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
