英语人>网络例句>extinct 相关的网络例句

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与 extinct 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When retrospecting development of recent history, we may find many languages of the world are becoming extinct.


When retrospecting development of recent history, we may find many languages of the world are becoming extinct.


Human population is drastically reduced. Perhaps 90% of species become extinct, rivalling the worst mass extinctions in the Earth's 4.5 billion-year history.


Cross Represents an interval between when an entry is marked as extinct, and when it is scavenged from the WINS database.


The sciences,who drew up the Red List,believe that the situating is now so bad that if action is not taken immediately,it will result in primate species becoming extinct-something which has not happened in over a century.


Even though they are extinct now, you can still find their bones, mostly in caves, swamps and sand dunes.


The taints of those, who are mindful and thoughtful, become extinct.


O Prince, O Chief of many Throned Powers, That led th' imbattelld Seraphim to Warr Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds [ 130 ] Fearless, endanger'd Heav'ns perpetual King; And put to proof his high Supremacy, Whether upheld by strength, or Chance, or Fate, Too well I see and rue the dire event, That with sad overthrow and foul defeat [ 135 ] Hath lost us Heav'n, and all this mighty Host In horrible destruction laid thus low, As far as Gods and Heav'nly Essences Can perish: for the mind and spirit remains Invincible, and vigour soon returns, [ 140 ] Though all our Glory extinct, and happy state Here swallow'd up in endless misery.

大魔王立即用急激的话语回答他: V2:大王,掌权天使的首长啊,掌权者们率领英勇的撒拉弗天军在您的指挥之下去作战,大无畏地,投身于惊险的行动,使天上永生的王陷于危急,他靠暴力、侥幸,或靠命运,来支持自己至高无上的权力,我目睹而哀痛这次可怕的事件,可悲的覆没,可耻的败绩,使我们失去天界,这样的大军竟遭到这么大的失败,沉沦到这样的阴间里来,我们原是神灵,气质轻清,论破灭可说已经到了尽头,因为我们还留有心志和精神,不可战胜,很快就会恢复元气。

Wildcats were once widespread throughout the UK, but by the 19th Century were thought to be extinct.


During Andraste's lifetime, it reputedly filled the sky with a great column of black ash and sent burning rock raining down as far away as the Free Marches, but it is now considered extinct.

在Andraste生活的时代,据说它还会喷出遮住天空的黑色灰尘,并会迸裂出最远落到Free Marches去的燃烧石块,而如今这种迹象已经绝迹了。

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Dinosaurs Became Extinct
Evolve Or Be Extinct

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
