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与 extent 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In recent years, it seems that the superficial Chinese transliteration "苗"(pronounced as "miao" in modern Mandarin Chinese, but as "mao" or "hmao" in medieval Chinese) and the English transliteration "Hmong" have been misleadingly essentialized by some anthropologists, and the differences associated with these externally referred ethnonyms were magnified to such an extent as if there had been two entirely different or unrelated ethnicities – one with the autonym "Hmong" and the other with "Miao"– in the world.


Somebody said : photo is to some extent face to alternative surface of autotype.


The mechanism of autoxidation in food fats and oils,the measurment for extent of oxidation,and the uses of antioxidants are discussed.


In addition, social public opinion in a certain extent, can achieve the government auxiliary function of tourism management, promoting the development of tourism industry standardization.


3 The operation of an auxiliary control device in an automatic toaster shall disconnect the element or elements that it controls from all conductors of the supply circuit in a cord-connected toaster and from all ungrounded conductors of the supply circuit for a permanently connected toaster if live parts are accessible to the extent that they are subject to unintentional contact when the appliance appears to be in a de-energized condition.


The difference is entirely in the extent to which each of us AVAILS himself of that generosity.


Originally, the sacred scriptures of the Parsees were of far greater extent than would appear from the Avesta in the form in which we now possess it.


The authors, one an ornithologist, the other an archaeologist, integrate a wealth of archaeological data to illuminate and enliven the story, indicating the extent to which climatic, agricultural, and social changes have affected the avifauna.


Also, the viscosity can affect AVO characters of the reflection waves to some extent.


Sprain, but it was quickly changed to an avulsion fracture, a diagnosis that turned out to be underselling the extent of the injury.


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LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.


It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.
