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与 expelled 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This came just hours after US President George Bush said he remained open to dialogue with the country, and after the UN International Atomic Energy Agency gave Pyongyang a last chance to readmit expelled inspectors.


In 1988 the Salesian order, under pressure from the government, accused Aristide of inciting violence and expelled him from the order.


They expelled the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Shechemites, and all the Gergesites; and they lived in these mountains a long time.


During a workout, I feel as though all my ugly, confusing thoughts are expelled and my tension is untangled.


Results The stone was completely expelled in 18 cases with slight complications (hematuria 1~2 days) after 1~2 more times ESWL ,6 cases failed and went to ureterolithotomy.

结果 18例粘连性结石经球囊导管扩张后剥离粘连,结合体外冲击波碎石1~2次后粉碎排净,并发症轻微,只有血尿1~2d,自行消失。6例失败改切开取石。

Usee the foot affixed, the bag of powder smoke out of the body oils, waste oil and other toxins into a sticky-like, and from white to brown or dark brown discoloration, which is expelled from the body toxins.


A teacher that helps the relative to study in college by usurping the name of the students is expelled from the Party and degraded.


Flunk out To expel or be expelled from a school or course because of work that does not meet required standards.


Not only does he take every opportunity to try to get Harry expelled from Hogwarts, he also mercilessly berates the hapless Neville Longbottom and makes a cutting remark about brainy-girl Hermione's oversized teeth.


As a result,he was demoted and expelled to Hainan island.


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Expelled From Love

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
