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与 expelled 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was expelled for refusing to reveal the identity of a classmate guilty of drawing an unflattering portrait of one of the school's teachers.


The road petered out in an area with little valleys, ridges, hills, and peaks, but it was not the contours of the land that created the uneven surface but, rather, the layers of things that had been thrown away: everything that the consumerist city had used up and expelled so that it could immediately enjoy the pleasure of handling new things had ended up in this unprepossessing neighborhood.


Unscratched by the scandal over lavish gifts, cash and other favors / doled out by Salt Lake bidders in capturing the 2002 Winter Games / that saw 10 members expelled or forced to resign, Rogge has maintained a clean image.

在申办 2002 年冬季奥运会过程中,盐湖城的竞标人给国际奥委会委员们的巨额贿赂使得其中十名委员被开除或被迫辞职,只有罗格与该丑闻无关,始终保持着"清洁先生的"形象。

The Church takes no action against a priest who goes mad; but in Nuremberg in 1421 a mad priest was expelled with particular solemnity, as if the impurity was multiplied by the sacred nature of his person, and the city put on its budget the money given him as a viaticum.


Keller joined Lazio from Viborg in August, after his move to Genoa was annulled when they were expelled from Serie A.


When awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1958, he was subjected by the Soviet press to a campaign of vituperation and was expelled by his colleagues from the Union of Soviet Writers, and he had to dissociate himself from the prize.


When first expelled from a volcanic vent, it is a liquid at temperatures from 700 °C to 1,200 °C (1,300 °F to 2,200 °F).

当第一次开除火山喷口,它是一个液体的温度从700 ℃至1,200 ° c (下1,300 ° f至2,200 ℉)的。

Weak force of good and evil was expelled to the sky.


He was expelled from West Point, he's so fast.


After he betrayed Heihachi and sided with Kazuya at The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2, Lee was expelled from the Mishima Zaibatsu.


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Expelled From Love

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
