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与 executives 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The behavioral alienation of executives in the state-owned enterprises is mainly caused by the contradictions in the principal-agent relationship, the flaws of protective arrangements for human capital, and the disposition of role and the alienation of power of executives..


For example,when Stanley Gault was chairman of Rubbermaid,he cornered travelers in airports to ask for ideas on new products Xerox executives spend one day each month handling customer complaints Senior executives spend one day each month handling customer complaints.

举例来说,当史坦利中缘砂统是 Rubbermaid 的主席的时候,他迫至一隅在飞机场中的旅客要求主意在新的产品上影印主管度过一天每个月操作客户诉苦资深的主管每个月度过一天操作客户诉苦。

At present, many executives holdings not related to quilt, because executives as no doubt the long-term investors, will not mind one or two months time, as long as the stock price at the time the long term is low on the list.


At the beginning of 80's Andrzej Kostynowicz vel Andre Kostynowitz runs away from Poland, as he was involved in the conflict with polish authorities. He gets a French nationality and starts to work for state authorities as a secret executioner. After a wealthy Polish businessman irrationally deceives a group of French executives during a high-stakes business transaction, the executives waste no time in recruiting Kostynowitz to kill Muran. But when the Polish Secret Police get wind of their plan, they go against orders to protect the endangered man, whose life, as well as their own, could be taken at any moment. At the same time Kostynowitz finds out he is terminally ill and decides to come back to Poland in order to find his old love Anna. He realizes that if he accepts contract and executes Muran in Poland it will be his last mission

在上世纪八十年代出,Kostynowicz逃离出波兰,他被卷入到一场政治风云中,他得到了法国国籍并且开始为法国政府工作,他从事的秘密杀手的工作,一位波兰商人Muran 骗取了这些法国行政官员,之后这些法国行政官员派遣Kostynowitz去暗杀Muran,,但是波兰秘密警察听到风声之后,立即去保护Muran,日夜守护Muran,在此同时,Kostynowitz 发现自己已患重病,他决定回波兰去找他的爱人,这时他意识到如果自己接受暗杀Muran,这将是他的最后的使命

The results show that concentration of ownership has a significant impact on risk-taking. The higher the largest shareholder's shareholding percentage, the higher the risk-taking is; the higher the top five shareholders' shareholding percentage, the lower the risk-taking is. The percentage of untradeable shares, the size of the board of directors, the proportion of independent directors and the average remuneration of top 3 senior executives with the highest remuneration are negatively correlated to the risk-taking. However, the situation that the chairman or vice chairman concurrently holds the post of president or CEO increases the bank's risk exposures to a certain extent. Proportion of state-owned shares, the nature of the largest shareholder and the executives' shareholding have no significant impact on risk-taking.


Windle Priem, president and chief executive of Korn Ferry International, one of the world's leading headhunting companies, warned yesterday that demand for executives from the internet sector, combined with demographic factors, was creating an unprecedented shortage of executives.


The professional executives stimulate and keep the vigor of the enterprises by wise policies and innovative capacity and they become the designers and correctors of the enterprises' organization structure; the existence and the playing of the functions of the professional executives are the micro bases of modern economic development. There will be no true modern enterprise system without professional executives.


A cumbersome twin-headed structure that gave EADS German and French co-chairmen and co-chief executives has been complicated by the desire of Airbus bosses in Toulouse to go their own way. Three chief executives have had to leave EADS and Airbus.


A few months ago,"the weekly stock market," Upon receipt of the report: Kuogu increase in 2004, in order to achieve the purpose of low-priced subscription, Bank of Ningbo, a large number of surprise of the reserve set aside more than 8 Billion, the line in 2004 438,000,000 yuan of net profit for the compression 77,400,000 yuan, making Ningbo bank executives to the low-cost subscription of shares (in 2008 we see the first 29 "Ningbo bank executives path of the rich").


There are complications," a Yunnan Copper Group, insiders said yesterday, holding the three-tier executives, a subsidiary of the problem do exist, these are problems left over by history, is currently being resolved,"company executives have to note the Shenzhen Stock Exchange , To discuss matters relating to resume trading.


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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
