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executive board相关的网络例句

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与 executive board 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Xiahe County and Zhuoni autonomous regions (the original rule set Zhuoni Board) to the provincial jurisdiction. In 1953, additional Gannan, Xihaigu two area-level autonomous region (later renamed the Autonomous Region), the province is still set up 11 area, 86 counties, 687 District Office, 58 Hall Street. In 1954, a result of the merger in the Ningxia province of Gansu Province, an increase of Yinchuan area Hedong Hui autonomous region (later renamed the Autonomous Region), Mongolia autonomous region 3 area, 16 counties, but also established the new Sunan Yugur autonomous regions,a ke sai ha ethnic autonomous regions,lu qu Executive Committee, Executive Committee Maqu, Zhouqu Administrative Commission, the province's 14 prefectures, 107 counties, 775 District Office, 5810 Township Hall 179 Street. In 1955, Qingyang, Pingliang Pingliang area into zones, Zhangye, Jiuquan Jiuquan area into zones; revocation Linxia agency, the establishment of Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture; additional Yumen City; to Mongolia autonomous regions for ethnic autonomous bayan ho Dortmund, West Solid-Hui Autonomous Region for Guyuan Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Hedong Wu Hui Autonomous Region for Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Region for.

夏河县和卓尼自治区改为省辖。1953年,增设甘南、西海固两个专区级自治区,全省仍设置11个专区、86县、687个区公所、58个街公所。1954年,因宁夏省合并于甘肃省,增加了银川专区、河东回族自治区、蒙古自治区3个专区、 16个县,又新成立了肃南裕固族自治区、阿克塞哈族自治区、碌曲行政委员会、玛曲行政委员会、舟曲行政委员会,全省达到14个专区、107个县、775个区公所,5810个乡、179个街公所。1955年,庆阳、平凉专区合并为平凉专区,张掖、酒泉专区合并为酒泉专区;撤销临夏专署,成立临夏回族自治州;增设玉门市;改蒙古自治区为巴音浩特蒙族自治州、西海固回族自治区为固原回族自治州、河东回族自治区为吴忠回族自治州、甘南藏族自治区为甘南藏族自治州。

Executive Council The Executive Council functions as the Board of Directors of the CBA.

行政局 行政局的职能,作为董事局的CBA联赛。

President, chairman of board of directors, chairman of the board , chief executive , managing director.


Communications between the Executive Management and the Supervisory Board are regulated in the rules of procedure for the Executive Management.


In 2002, she was appointed Executive Vice President, Corporate Relations, and member of Executive Management in Novo Nordisk. Ms Kingo serves as chair of the board of the Steno Diabetes Center.

金丽飒还兼任美国社会责任商业联合会的董事会成员、威尔士亲王商业和环境组织的核心成员以及GN Store Nord A/S的董事会成员。

Turn board that day, net dragon chairman holds heart of executive trustee Liu concurrently to be built to the reporter to express, net dragon hopes to borrow this to turn board attract compose of large scale computer and retail investor, increase trade turnover.


This research utilizes regression models in three ways," all years","every industry", and " every year", and adopted corporate governance variables include scale of the board and the inspectors, the holding rate of the board and the inspector, the holding rate of primary shareholder, managers, trust funds, government, and corporations, the degree of concentration of shares, and two dummy variables,"whether the chairman and chief official executive is the same person", and "whether the company's CPA firm ranks the first four".


The Board of Directors of Bacardi Limited announced today Ruben Rodriguez, current chairman of the board, will remain as chairman after the company's forthcoming annual general meeting of shareholders in June and throughout a transitional period with newly named president and chief executive officer, Andreas Gembler.

百加得有限公司董事会今天宣布现任董事会主席Ruben Rodriguez将继续留任至即将到来的六月年度股东大会后。他将在完成同新提名的下一届公司总裁兼首席执行官Andreas Gembler的一段交接期以后正式让位。

During the year, Hongkong Post attended the meetings of the UPU Postal Operations Council, the Asian-Pacific Postal Training Centre Governing Board and the APPU Executive Council, the UPU Direct Mail Advisory Board and the UPU Express Mail Service Contract Management Team.


During the year, Hongkong Post attended the meetings of the UPU Postal Operations Council, the Asian-Pacific Postal Training Centre Governing Board and the APPU Executive Council, the UPU Direct Mail Advisory Board and the UPU Express Mail Service Contract Management Team.


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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
