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与 excepting 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In one corner was a stagnant pool of water, surrounding an island of muck; there were several half-drowned fowls crowded together under a cart, among which was a miserable, crest-fallen cock, drenched out of ail life and spirit; his drooping tail matted, as it were, into a single feather, along which the water trickled from his hack; near the cart was a half- dozing cow, chewing her cud, and standing patiently to be rained on, with wreaths of vapour(5) rising from her reeking hide; a wall-eyed(6) horse, tired of the loneliness of the stable, was poking his spectral head out of a window, with the rain dripping on it from the eaves; an unhappy cur, chained to a dog-house hard by, uttered something every now and then between a bark and a yelp; a drab of a kitchen wench(7) tramped backwards and forwards through the yard in pat- tens, looking as sulky as the weather itself; everything, iq short, was comfortless and forlorn, excepting a crew of hardened ducks, assembled like boon companions round a puddle and making a riotous noise over their liquor.


In one corner was a stagnant pool of water, surrounding an islandof muck; there were several half-drowned fowls crowded together under a cart,among which was a miserable, crest-fallen cock, drenched out of all life andspirit; his drooping tail matted, as it were, into a single feather, alongwhich the water trickled from his back; near the cart was a half-dozing cow,chewing her cud, and standing patiently to be rained on, with wreaths of vaporrising from her reeking hide; a wall-eyed horse, tired of the loneliness of thestable, was poking his spectral head out of a window, with the rain dripping onit from the eaves; an unhappy cur, chained to a dog-house hard by, utteredsomething every now and then between a bark and a yelp; a drab of a kitchenwench tramped backwards and forwards through the yard in patterns, looking assulky as the weather itself; everything, in short, was comfortless and forlorn,excepting a crew of hardened ducks, assembled like boon companions round apuddle and making a riotous noise over their liquor.


In one corner was a stagnant pool of water, surrounding an island of muck; there were several half-drowned fowls crowded together under a cart, among which was miserable, crest-fallen cock, drenched out of all life and spirit; his drooping tail matted, as it were, into a single feather, along which the water trickled from his back; near the cart was a half-dozing cow, chewing her cud, and standing patiently to be rained on, with wreaths of vapor rising from her reeking hide; a wall-eyed horse, tired of the loneliness of the stable, was poking his spectral head out of a window, with the rain dripping on it from the eaves; an unhappy cur, chained to a dog-house hard by, uttered something every now and then between a bark and a yelp; a drab of a kitchen wench tramped backwards and forwards through the yard in patterns, looking as sulky as the weather itself; everything, in short, was comfortless and forlorn, excepting a crew of hardened ducks, assembled like boon companions round a puddle and making a riotous noise over their liquor. By Washington Irving


In one corner was a stagnant pool of water, surrounding an island of muck; there were several half-drowned fowls crowded together under a cart, among which was a miserable, crest-fallen cock, drenched out of ail life and spirit; his drooping tail matted, as it were, into a single feather, along which the water trickled from his hack; near the cart was a half- dozing cow, chewing her cud, and standing patiently to be rained on, with wreaths of vapour(5) rising from her reeking hide; a wall-eyed(6) horse, tired of the loneliness of the stable, was poking his spectral head out of a window, with the rain dripping on it from the eaves; an unhappy cur, chained to a dog-house hard by, uttered something every now and then between a bark and a yelp; a drab of a kitchen wench(7) tramped backwards and forwards through the yard in pat- tens, looking as sulky as the weather itself; everything, iq short, was comfortless and forlorn, excepting a crew of hardened ducks, assembled like boon companions round a puddle and making a riotous noise over their liquor.


In one corner was a stagnant pool of water, surrounding an island of muck; there were several half-drowned fowls crowded together under a cart, among which was a miserable, crest-fallen cock, drenched out of all life and spirit; his drooping tail matted, as it were, into a single feather, along which the water trickled from his back; near the cart was a half-dozing cow, chewing her cud, and standing patiently to be rained on, with wreaths of vapor rising from her reeking hide; a wall-eyed horse, tired of the loneliness of the stable, was poking his spectral head out of a window, with the rain dripping on it from the eaves; an unhappy cur, chained to a dog-house hard by, uttered something every now and then between a bark and a yelp; a drab of a kitchen wench tramped backwards and forwards through the yard in patterns, looking as sulky as the weather itself; everything, in short, was comfortless and forlorn, excepting a crew of hardened ducks, assembled like boon companions round a puddle and making a riotous noise over their liquor.


In one corner was a stagnant pool of water, surrounding an island of muck; there were several half-drowned fowls crowded together under a cart, among which was a miserable, crest-fallen cock, drenched out of ail life and spirit; his drooping tail matted, as it were, into a single feather, along which the water trickled from his hack; near the cart was a half- dozing cow, chewing her cud, and standing patiently to be rained on, with wreaths of vapour(5) rising from her reeking hide; a wall-eyed(6) horse, tired of the loneliness of the stable, was poking his spectral head out of a window, with the rain dripping on it from the eaves; an unhappy cur, chained to a dog-house hard by, uttered something every now and then between a bark and a yelp; a drab of a kitchen wench(7) tramped backwards and forwards through the yard in pat- tens, looking as sulky as the weather itself; everything, iq short, was comfortless and forlorn, excepting a crew of hardened ducks, assembled like boon companions round a puddle and making a riotous noise over their liquor.

在院子的一角,波波 mp3 学习资源网(www.bobomp3.com)波波 mp3 学习资源网(www.bobomp3.com)一潭污水围着孤岛似的粪堆,几只几平被雨水淋透的鸡簇拥在一辆马车底下,其中一只可怜的公鸡,倒垂着鸡冠,被淋得没精打彩,毫无生气,它那耷拉着的尾巴粘结在一起,仿佛只成了一根羽毛,雨水顺着它从背脊往下直淌,高马车不远处。有一头睡跟惺忪的奶牛,嘴里嚼着反刍的食物,默默地站在那里,任凭雨水打在身上,湿淋琳的背上日出缭绕的水气;一匹眼珠小而眼白特大的马厌倦了马厩里的寂寞,把它那幽灵似的脑袋从窗口探了出来,屋檐上的雨水漓沥滴沥地落在它头上;一只不幸的杂种狗被链条拴在近旁的狗窝里,时时发出似吠似嗥的声音;一个邋遢厨娘拖着木屐,迈着沉重的步子在院子里进进出出,她那郁郁不乐的神色,就象阴沉的天气一样;总之,除了一群饱经风雨的鸭子,象饮酒作乐的朋友那样聚集在污水潭的四周呷呷嬉水而外,这儿的一切都令人感到凄凉的沮丧。

Excepting the reading materials,it also could stimulate the students' interests by playing films and kinescopes.


For the most part, Gothic is significantly closer to Proto-Germanic than any other Germanic language, excepting of that of the early Norse runic inscriptions. This has made it invaluable in the reconstruction of Proto-Germanic.


"You do not know the men of Liege," said the Chaplain, of whom it may be said, that, not even excepting those of Ghent, they are at once the fiercest and the most untameable in Europe.


But upon an examination of his battery by a detail of line and engineer officers, it was found in perfect working order, excepting the six-inch stern-chaser — the one projectile which struck his ship having passed beneath the trunnions, lifting the gun from its seat.


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Kill Or Be Killed
There Is An Ocean
We Appologize
Jaw Of Steel

Our aediles have even found a technocratic name, which is not too complicated, to describe these wanderings from vineyards to cellars :"oenotourisme"- meaning wine tourism.


She annexed the first prize in the speech contest.


He relighted his skinny cigar .
