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与 evening 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I now 33 weeks pregnant, last week at home, blowing cold air-conditioning are not careful, the morning to go to the hospital to check a fever of 38.2 degrees, quickly hospitalized吊针fight, fight penicillin, the results of the evening 39.6 degrees was spread, and later forced doctors to use diclofenac suppository半粒retreat of burning, the second day of the daytime Fortunately, the evening did not expect further spread Morning 38.2 degrees, my mom kept giving me the physical cooling with cold water, toss a night, the next morning and finally were able to bring down a fever, and a total of four days of fighting吊针, two days before the doctor said that with the effect of penicillin was not so good, the third day also changed Cephalosporium, and now finally good to be almost cold, and Doctors have been listening to fetal heart rate is still true that only the highest in the first day of fever when fetal heart rate a bit faster, I do not know the torment of the baby will not affect the outcome, there have had similar experiences to comfort my mother comforted me??


After much effort, evening after evening of phone calls, hounding old friends and a very long wait, we were back two years later with twelve good men and women.


After much effort, evening after evening of phone calls, hounding old friends and a very long wait, we were back two years later with twelve good men and women.


Adopt the practice of half an year, daystart nurses quality gets rising. 2 joining a class is so guide responsibility nurse and whole family nurse and evening shift nurse to undertake collective by sister perambulatory, evening shift nurse pursues the patient's condition of bed introduction patient, this kind of hand over to the next shift took a nurse seriously only between have sex, and the participation that ignored a patient, affected the result that have sex.


Morning glories blow little purple bugle at 4 o'clock early morning; flamboyant rosebushes smile about 5 o'clock in the morning; nenuphars wake up from dream at 7 o'clock in the morning; peatapetes phoenicea bloom at 12:00 at noon; marigolds arrive at 3 o'clock in the afternoon; tobacco flowers wake up at 6 o'clock in the dark; moonlight flowers bloom leaves about 7 o'clock; polianthes tuberosas bloom at 8 o'clock in the evening and night-blooming cereuses appear with a smile about 9 o'clock in the evening

凌晨四时,牵牛花吹起了紫色的小喇叭;五点左右,艳丽的蔷薇(qi á ng w ē i)绽开了笑脸;七点,睡莲从梦中醒来;中午十二点左右,午时花开花了;下午三点,万寿菊 j ú欣然怒放;傍晚六点,烟草花在暮色中苏醒;月光花在七点左右舒展开自己的花瓣;夜来香在晚上八点开花;昙花却在九点左右含笑一现

The most probable solution of the question lies in the legitimate and widespread custom, according to which, when the fifteenth of Nisan fell on the Sabbath, as it did in the year of the Crucifixion, the paschal lamb was killed in the evening hours of the thirteenth of Nisan and the paschal feast celebrated on this or the following evening, to avoid all infringement of the strict sabbatic rest.

最有可能解决这个问题在於,合法和普遍的习俗,其中, 15时的尼桑下跌的安息日,因为它没有在今年的受难,在逾越节的羊羔被打死在傍晚时间第十三的尼桑和复活节庆祝这一节日或第二天晚上,为了避免所有侵犯严格休假休息。

Arrived to did not sleep at 12 o'clock in the evening everyday, rise early even in the morning, vivid is too tired really, all the time so tired, tired dead, pressure is great, working life makes me suffocative come, go up even evening shift, also be 12 hours, sleep to be not worn at all in the home by day the customer service QQ that of one mind is thinking me.


Meng Fei and easy apartment near the restaurant in the evening to eat dinner, Chen Yese hazy in the two-step stroll with a stroll, hand in hand, talked about the beauty of the En-yu, Meng Fei leave, street lamps had been closed one after another, easy evening to see the administrator was about to close the door, then ran three steps when one step forward, until, panting as a step into the garden to the room to go.


I would like to propse that for sixty to ninety minutes each evening,right after the early evening news,all television broadcasting in the United States be prohibited by law.


I would like to propose that for sixty to ninety minutes each evening, right after the early evening news, all television broadcasting in the United States be prohibited by law.


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Red And Dying Evening
Red And Dying Evening
Evening Kitchen
A Lovely Way To Spend An Evening
In The Cool, Cool, Cool Of The Evening
Evening Breeze
Evening / Morning
Quiet Evening
The Evening Train

I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
