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even then相关的网络例句

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与 even then 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Even so, by then 108 pandas had been captured and, tragically, 33 died.


I was impressed at the first time listening to it, then I even tried to transcribe it into a 5000-word article!


The affiliation relation is transitive: if A and B are affiliated and B and C are affiliated then we take A and C to be affiliated even if there is no direct evidence of the fact.


It may be a craving of the fever which burns in me, a dream born of sleepless nights, an effect of my ravings; but even if I have to become a Trappist monk first to manage it, then like Monsieur de Rance, once I have seen, I shall see.


Wi山a PID con—troller,it may lead to large overshoot even oscillation,then the steady state and dynamic state performance wil be Worse.


Commercial fish food manufacturers do make food specifically for guppies, but even these foods seem to be incomplete. Buy a commercial food for guppies then supplement their diet with at least one of the following: brine shrimp, tubifex worms, blood worms, mosquito larva, or any other small insect or worm-like creature.


The diabetes foot is the foot department pathological changes, that is nerve pathological changes , blood vessel pathological changes and infection;Once the foot department external injury or pathological changes , the foot department will become ulcerate easily even get bad putrefaction to cut a limb , then influence the work , family and social level etc.

前言糖尿病足是指足部产生神经病变、血管病变及感染的足部病变,一旦足部外伤或病变易形成溃疡甚至坏疽而截肢,进而影响到工作、家庭、社会层面等(Giurini &Lyons, 2005;Stein, Yaacobi,& Steinberg, 2003林、陈,2006)。

If I do this then I am sure to turn around and there it will be, even bigger for it being unacknowledged and puffed up with my own power because I fear it.


As soon as what is unconcealed no longer concerns man even as object, but does so, rather, exclusively as standing -reserve, and man in the midst of objectifying is nothing but the order of the standing-reserve, then he comes to the very brink of a precipitous fall, that is, he comes to the point where he himself will have to be taken as standing-reserve.


But even if we did that, we would then have the practical challenge of finding attractive, affordable, uncrowded natural places where these communities could be built.


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Even Then

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
