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与 even then 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Even though Deng Jianjin's early paintings were related to dreams, love, sex, pornography, peeking, and self-absorption, they provided no entertainment at all. Instead they gave a representation of exaggerated, dead serious, and even overcorrect individual heroism. They bore the historical baggage of China's 5000 years of civilization and all the suffering and oppression of Chinese people in modern Chinese history. They were a diligent and honorable means of salvation.By the end of 1990s, Deng Jianjin's series 'About the Witness's Dreams' continued to carry on his signature style of being 'expressive' and 'intimate', but cynicism and jokes had also started to prevail among his paintings heavy in colors and opened up a way out for 'sentimental youth' and 'heavy-hearted moods'. Ever since then, Deng Jianjin has obtained a sense of uninhibited freedom and been able to let his thoughts flow on this paintings.


Then, it introduces an adaptive blind watermark algorithm based on odd-even judgement. This algorithm uses the neighboring symbols mean value and the odd-even judgement to embed the watermark into the 2-level subband of the carrier image. The results of the test demonstrate that this algorithm has a good imperceptivity and robustness.


"The PLO… has not changed its platform even one iota… to drive them out of all of Palestine," the PLO ambassador to Lebanon told NBN TV in an interview broadcast on Wednesday April 9, even while a Hamas MP predicted Muslims would soon overtake "Rome", which he charged had "planted the brothers of apes and pigs in Palestine in order to prevent the reawakening of Islam." When Israel's ideology will collapse, and after we take Jerusalem, Israel's ideology will collapse altogether, and then we will proceed with our own ideology, inshallah , and we will throw them out of all of Palestine.

" "巴解组织…并未改变其平台之一,甚至丝毫……以赶他们淘汰所有的巴勒斯坦,"巴解组织驻黎巴嫩告诉nbn电视台的一个访谈节目中对周三4月9日,尽管哈马斯国会议员预言穆斯林将很快超越"罗马",这是他收取了"种植兄弟的猿猴和猪在巴勒斯坦,以避免唤醒伊斯兰教","当以色列的思想就会崩溃,之后,我们采取耶路撒冷,以色列的意识形态将完全崩溃,然后,我们将开始与我们自己的思想,如蒙天佑,我们将扔出来的,所有的巴勒斯坦人。

Computer science a bit that is used in an error detection procedure in which a 0 or 1 is added to each group of bits so that it will have either an odd number of 1's or an even number of 1's; e.g., if the parity is odd then any group of bits that arrives with an even number of 1's must contain an error


Computer science an error detection procedure in which a bit (0 or 1) added to each group of bits so that it will have either an odd number of 1's or an even number of 1's; e.g., if the parity is odd then any group of bits that arrives with an even number of 1's must contain an error.


Began as a moving, and then humming and singing, self-moved, their tragic atmosphere, soul-stirring goes without saying that, in the next hearing in the passive or even forced, it moved to repeat that even East facilities will be impatient.


Although the Abbey of La Trappe flourished exceedingly, even after the death of its venerated reformer, as evidenced by more than 300 professions between the years 1714 and 1790, yet the spirit of materialism and sensualism rampant in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, did not permit the rapid extension of the reform outside its walls; it did not even allow the entire severity of ancient Cteaux to be introduced at La Trappe, though this reform was the most thorough and perfect of the many attempts that had then been made.


With the advice and unanimous consent of our brothers, cardinals of the holy Roman church, by means of this our constitution which will have permanent validity, we establish, ordain, decree and define, by apostolic authority and the fulness of our power, that if it happens (which may God avert in his mercy and goodness towards all), after God has released us or our successors from the government of the universal church, that by the efforts of the enemy of the human race and following the urge of ambition or greed, the election of the Roman pontiff is made or effected by the person who is elected, or by one or several members of the college of cardinals, giving their votes in a manner that in any way involves simony being committed -- by the gift, promise or receipt of money, goods of any sort, castles, offices, benefices, promises or obligations -- by the person elected or by one or several other persons, in any manner or form whatsoever, even if the election resulted in a majority of two-thirds or in the unanimous choice of all the cardinals, or even in a spontaneous agreement on the part of all, without a scrutiny being made, then not only is this election or choice itself null, and does not bestow on the person elected or chosen in this fashion any right of either spiritual or temporal administration, but also there can be alleged and presented, against the person elected or chosen in this manner, by any one of the cardinals who has taken part in the election, the charge of simony, as a true and unquestionable heresy, so that the one elected is not regarded by anyone as the Roman pontiff.

的意见,并一致同意,我们的兄弟,红雀的罗马教会,通过我们的宪法,这将永远有效,我们建立,注定,法令和确定,由使徒权威和丰富我们的权力,如果发生(可能避免上帝在他的仁慈和善良对所有),上帝已发布后我们或我们的继任政府的普世教会,这所作出的努力的敌人,人类的欲望和以下的目标或贪婪,选举是罗马教皇或影响的人谁当选,或由一个或几个成员的枢机主教,使他们的选票的方式,以任何方式涉及西摩尼正在致力於-的礼物,许诺或收到的资金,货物的任何类型,城堡,办事处, benefices ,承诺或义务-选出的人或由一个或几个其他人,以任何方式或形式,即使选举产生了多数三分之二或一致选择所有红雀,甚至在一种自发的协议的一部分,所有,未经审核作出,那麼不仅是本次选举或选择本身无效,并没有赋予人选举或选择以这种方式的任何权利或者精神或时间管理,而且还可以有指控,并提出,对当选者,或选择以这种方式,任何一个红雀谁参加了选举,充电的西摩尼,作为一个真正的和不容置疑的邪说,使选举是一个任何人都不会认为是罗马教皇。

When the ground was partially bare of snow, and a few warm days had dried its surface somewhat, it was pleasant to compare the first tender signs of the infant year just peeping forth with the stately beauty of the withered vegetation which had withstood the winter —— life-everlasting, goldenrods, pinweeds, and graceful wild grasses, more obvious and interesting frequently than in summer even, as if their beauty was not ripe till then; even cotton-grass,cat-tails, mulleins, johnswort, hard-hack, meadow-sweet, and other strong-stemmed plants, those unexhausted granaries which entertain the earliest birds —— decent weeds, at least, which widowed Nature wears.


However, in an "accident" in the explosion, Devlin temporary loss of consciousness and can not move, can not stop the arrival Jimmy is a mysterious thing that coat the temptation to try them on their own then, immediately it was different The unusual clothes to dress than the small cattle, put on a Jimmy discovered he came to a dangerous world of espionage, and his running mate was inexperienced rookie Chantelle - Brian (Del Blaine, Jennifer - Rod Cardiff - decorated with Hewitt, Jennifer Love Hewitt), even more than his experience is even less.

但是,在一次"意外的"爆炸事件中,德夫林暂时失去知觉而动弹不得,吉米实在抵挡不住那件神秘燕尾服的诱惑,在自己的身上试穿了一下,立马感到这件不同寻常的衣服比小礼服要牛,一穿上吉米就发现他来到了一个充满危险的间谍世界,而他的拍档竟是毫无经验的菜鸟黛尔-布莱恩(Del Blaine,珍妮弗-洛夫-休伊特饰,Jennifer Love Hewitt),甚至比他的经验还要少。

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Even Then

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
