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与 eternity 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Recently I participated in a photography contest in Atlaspost website, which the topic was "The Eternity of Instant", so I posted a photo tooken when I played with HA-HA.


Totoro :,To see a world in a grain of sand,And a heaven in a wild fllower,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,And eternity in an hour.


Then modern society loses its transcendentality and comprehensiveness, ultimate social ideality concealed. Resulting from this, modern society that appears as "a society of one facet" loses its internal mechanism of self-reflection and self-criticism. The tension among reality, verity and eternity disappeared to be a trinity;the history of the human race seems to put itself end of modernity.


Its establishment was a futile attempt to go beyond the limits of human action and to create an orbit of security and eternity removed from the transitoriness and instability of earthly affairs.


It is evident and notorious notorious that she was pure from eternity, exempt from every defect Typicon S.

Sabae;很显然,与恶名昭彰的恶名昭彰的,她是单纯从永恒的,免征一切缺损( typicon第鲭江

BMV; it is evident and notorious that she was pure from eternity, exempt from every defect Typicon S.

;这是明显的,臭名昭著的,她是纯粹从永恒,免除一切缺损( Typicon由鲭江);她形成没有任何污点

BMV; it is evident and notorious that she was pure from eternity, exempt from every defect Typicon S.

;很明显,和臭名昭著的,她是单纯从永恒的,免征一切缺损( typicon第鲭江),她是在没有形成任何污点

God from all eternity did, by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely and unchangeably ordain whatever comes to pass: Eph 1:11 Ro 11:33 Heb 6:17 Ro 9:15,18 , yet so, as thereby neither is God the author of sin, Jas 1:13,17 1Jo 1:5 , nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures, nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established.

Ac 2:23 Mt 17:12 Ac 4:27,28 Joh 19:11 Pr 16:33 1 )神从永恒那样,由最明智的和神圣的律师,他自己的意志,自由和unchangeably阿拉维无论说到通过:弗1时11滚装11时33以弗所书6时17滚装9:15,18 ,但这么,从而既不是上帝的作者单仲偕, 1990年1:13,17 1jo 1:5 ,也不是暴力提供给会的动物,也不是自由的或应急的第二个原因带走,而是确立。

It is still the faceless and weather-beaten old man standing in front of the broken walls watching for his life waiting "eternity", but the pretty girl is walking by unsentimentally.


What unsunned gyres of waste eternity?


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Earwigs To Eternity
Eternity Part I
Eternity Part II
Eternity Part III
Love Now Till Eternity
A Breath In The Eyes Of Eternity
From Here To Eternity
Eternity Intro
Here To Eternity

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
