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- 与 estimated theory 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The specifically used learning-theories are Thorndike"s, error-tried learning-theory Pavlov"s conditioning learning-theory, Watson"s learning-theory, Guthrie"s neighboring learning-theory, Estes"s sampling learning-theory, Skinner"s manipulating learning-theory, Wertheimer"s learning-theory, Wulf"s learning-theory, Lewin"s surroundings cognizing learning-theory, Piaget"s constructing learning-theory, Bruner"s cognizing structure learning-theory, Ausubel"s assimilating cognize learning-theory, processing information learning-theory, Tolman"s signal learning-theory, Grgne"s accumulating learning-theory, Bandura"s society learning-theory, Rogers"s learning-theory.
This dissertation explores the Value Price Theory of Adam Smith, the Price Theory of David Ricardo, the Labor Value Theory of Karl-Marx, the Price Theory of the production expenditure of J. Say, the Marginal Utility theory of Eugen Von Bohn-Bawerk and the Equilibrium Price Theory of Maxieer. Meanwhile it researches the modem market price theory and modern enterprise price practice. Using Marxism and modern market price theory synthetically to analyze passenger price formation mechanism of Civil Aviation of China overall, systematically and deeply on theory.
As to the first research topic, we present a 'Noble Brand Positioning Four Master Phases Theory': Brand Space Theory, Brand Capital Theory, Brand Value Theory and Brand Circle Theory in advance. Following based on the Principal Component Analysis of statistical theory, we implemented the quantitative research in the 'Noble Brand Positioning Four Master Phases Theory'. We used the most famous fast food brand 'McDonald' s' as the sample space. The simulation test result shows that the Overall Index Explanatory Power is 83% under the Cronbath' s a is 0.88 through the quantitative verification. This result gives a strong support in defining the Noble Four Niche Phases Theory as the important strategic factor in establishing brand positioning index. After completing the quantitative research, the Principal Weight of each Sub-Niche is positive. This also implies that the Noble Brand Positioning Four master Phases Theory represents positive affection to brand positioning index. We also created the following Sub-Niches those are rarely mentioned in the past literatures. The Sub-Niches are:'Endless Running Strategy, Business Environment Strategy, Physical Capital Strategy, Brand Logo, Brand Music, Business Life Strategy, Personnel Capital Strategy, Life Cycle Strategy, Trust Mask Strategy, Re-Positioning Strategy, Word-Power Strategy, Globalization Strategy, Network Revolution Strategy and Green Brand Strategy'. The quantitative verification model can classify the responses of the sampling space into groups. After that, we used the quantitative verification process to classify the Target Consumer. And through the Principal Component Analysis, the group that owns the biggest average value consists of the Master Target Consumers for the business. This result would become the best suggestion for the business to adjust its strategies and to upgrade the productivity efficiency and create higher profit. As to the second research topic, we focused on finding the best corresponding characteristics attributes of the Brand Music for the Brand Log.
针对第一个研究主题,本文首先提出了一种创新性的品牌定位利基理论(A New Brand Positioning Niche Phase Theory);品牌空间论,品牌资本论,品牌价值论与品牌循环论,接着本文以统计理论的主成份分析方法针对本文所提的创新性的品牌定位利基理论进行量化研究,本文以快餐业中知名品牌麦当劳作为样本空间,由量化验证的结果显示在信度分析Cronbatch's α为0.88之下其总指标解释力(Overall Index Explanatory Power)为83%,验证本文所提的创新性的品牌定位利基理论是构建品牌定位的重要策略因素,同时经由量化分析结果每项主成分权重值皆为正值更验证了本文所提的企业创新性的品牌定位利基理论与品牌定位指标呈现正相关:同时本文所提出次利基:'永续经营策略、企业环境策略、实体资本策略、企业生命策略、品牌标志策略、品牌音乐策略、人际资本策略、生命周期策略、信任标志策略、重新定位策略、文字威力策略、放眼全球策略、网络革命策略与绿色品牌策略'更是其它文献所未提及的:本文量化验证模式更可将样本空间中的responses分类群组,然后量化验证以界定目标市场,经由分析结果显示,其中具最大主成份百分位序均值者所属群组,即为企业中的主力消费群,提供企业决策者参考,进而调整其企业策略,而为企业提升生产效率创造更大的利润。
Case one: ignoring atmosphere resistance, the impact point is estimated using the ellipse theory with the data of angle measurement . Case two: considering atmosphere resistance, the coefficient of missile trajectory is estimated by EKF and the impact point is estimated using missile's dynamic model.
The paper induces and analyzes research method of the tooth, including Method line of the tooth theory,Envlopment theory, Camus theory, Circling cluster theory and so on.Based on the past theories,the new measure to deduce the chain wheel tooth equation of roller chain at high speed,Circling cluster and envlopment theory,is proposed by analyzing basic concept of equidistant curve and Willis theory.Following the presentation of drawing lessons from traditional roller chainof the change of stanza line distance. A new type of roller chain at high speed is given in the paper.The paper studies deeply structural characteristics, the change of stanza line distance,separation between plank and bore and so on.According to design requst of roller chain at high speed and the study ofH_y--V_0 tooth chain,the impossibility that Quasi-conjugage engagement theory isrealized by the engagement of roller chain at high speed from the aspect of theory is decribed.
As a whole,the notable characteristic of primary productivity in size-fractioned structure was that nanoplankton occupied comparatively significant advantage in Beibu Gulf.Nanoplankton has the largest contribution to gross primary productivity,and picoplankton was the secondary contributor,while microplankton the least.The contribution of microplankton for primary productivity in the north Gulf was more than that in the other waters.Nanoplankton and picoplankton contribute more to the gross primary productivity in offshore deep waters than in inshore shallow waters3.The Beibu Gulf can be divided into three ecoregions:Region-Ⅰis the ecoregion in inshore shallow waters of the north Gulf.In average,the water depth is 18m,DIN is 1.88μmol/L,DIP is 0.20μmol/L,N:P is 9.4:1,dissolved silicate is 5.17μmol/L,the Chl a conentration in surface layer is 2.27mg·m~(-3),the assimilation index in surface layer is 3.80mg/,the primary productivity is 198.78mgC/(m~2·d), and potential fishery production is estimated to be 0.24gC/(m~2·a) according to the primary productivity.The ecoregion is mainly affected by the northern coastal water systems,and may be fit for aquaculture;Region-Ⅱis the ecoregion in offshore deep waters of the north Gulf and the coastal shallow waters to the west Hainan Island.In average,the water depth is 35m,DIN is 2.01μmol/L,DIP is 0.18μmol/L,N:P is 11.2:1,disovled silicate is 4.23μmol/L,the chlorophyll a of surface layer concentration is 1.45mg·m~(-3),the assimilation index of surface layer is 4.12 mg/,the primary productivity is 276.60mgC/(m~2·d),and the estimated potential fishery production is 0.34gC/(m~2·a) according to the primary productivity. The ecoregion was mainly influenced by ocean current from the South China Sea, rivers in the west coast of Hainan Island and the water from Qiongzhou Strait.It may be fit for aquaculture and fishery;Region-Ⅲis the ecoregion in offshore deep waters of the mid and south Gulf.In average,the water depth is 75m,DIN is 0.77μmol/L, DIP is 0.15μmol/L,N:P is 5.1:1,disovled silicate is 3.05μmol/L,the chlorophyll a of surface layer concentration is 0.70mg·m~(-3),the assimilation index of surface layer averaged is 3.69mg/,the primary productivity is 350.89mgC/(m~2·d),and the estimated potential fishery production is 0.43gC/(m~2·a) according to the primary productivity.The ecoregion was mainly affected by the circulation inside Beibu Gulf, and may be fit for fishery.
初级生产力的粒级结构的一个显著特点是总体上微型浮游生物在全调查海区均占较明显优势,对总初级生产力的平均贡献最大;微微型浮游生物对初级生产力的平均贡献次之;小型浮游生物对总初级生产力的平均贡献最小;湾北部小型浮游生物对初级生产力的平均贡献高于湾中部和湾南部,而湾中部和湾南部微型和微微型浮游生物对初级生产力的平均贡献高于湾北部,远岸深水区高于近岸浅水区。3、北部湾可以分为三个生态区:湾北部近岸浅水区,该区的环境主要特点是平均水深19m,DIN浓度平均值为1.88μmol/L,DIP浓度平均值为0.20μmol/L,N:P为9.4:1,硅酸盐浓度平均值为5.17μmol/L,表层叶绿素a平均值高达2.27 mg·m~(-3),表层同化指数平均为3.80 mg/,初级生产力平均值198.78mgC/(m~2·d),根据初级生产力计算潜在渔业资源碳生产量平均为0.24 gC/(m~2·a),该区主要受湾北部沿岸水系影响,适合作为水产养殖区;湾北部深水区和海南岛西部沿岸浅水区,该区的环境主要特点是平均水深35m,DIN浓度平均值为2.01μmol/L,DIP浓度平均值为0.18μmol/L,N:P为11.2:1,硅酸盐浓度平均值为4.23μmol/L,表层叶绿素a平均值1.45 mg·m~(-3),表层同化指数平均为4.12mg/,初级生产力平均值276.60 mgC/(m~2·d),根据初级生产力计算潜在渔业资源碳生产量平均为0.34 gC/(m~2·a),该区主要受南部湾口区海流向湾内延伸,沿岸海南岛河流注入湾内和琼州海峡过道水的影响,适合作为渔业作业区和水产养殖区;湾中部和南部远岸深水区,该区的环境主要特点是平均水深75m,DIN浓度平均值为0.77μmol/L,DIP浓度平均值为0.15μmol/L,N:P为5.1:1,硅酸盐浓度平均值为3.05μmol/L,表层叶绿素a平均值0.70 mg·m~(-3),表层同化指数平均为3.69 mg/,初级生产力平均值350.89 mgC/(m~2·d),根据初级生产力计算潜在渔业资源碳生产量平均为0.43 gC/(m~2·a),该区主要受北部湾环流影响,适合作为渔业作业区。
Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated cost to completion and estimated selling expenses and related taxes.
The results showed that the evaluation of the current fishery resources was influenced by uncertainties in estimated F0.1, F and F, and by decisions of the managers with different confidence levels. The probability of being overfished reduces with the increase of uncertainties in F0.1, F and F, and decision confidence levels. Uncertainties in growth related parameters are the main contributors to the estimated uncertainties for F0.1 and F for the crimson sea bream fishery. The uncertainty of natural morality has limited influence on the estimated uncertainties of F0.1 and F.
The theory of Confucianism founded by Lu Gu and Jia Yi was originated from the theory of Xun Zi, However, not the same as the thougt of Lu Gu, in the theory of Jia Yi, which reflected the aristocracy-oriented feature of the upper class, the ideology of aristocratism was aroused. Han Ying initiated the self-awakening man's original mind or nature and reestablished the theory of born good. His theory was regarded as an anabranch of Confucianism in the early stage of Han Dynasty, and a reecho of historical movement of the aristocratic theory of Confucianism advocated by Confucius and Mencius. During the periods of Emperor. Jing of Han and Emperor Wu of Han, an aristocratic upper class had come into being. Therefore, in the face of the society that experienced populace-oriented baptism, Dong Zhong-shu kept down the aristocratic components existed in Jia Yi's theory, absorbed populace-oriented consciousness, which formed the foundation for theoretical system, and transferred instrument-centered Confucianism to the one with sanctification. Thus, Confucianism acquired its theoretical remolding and historical transforming.
Typical accident-causing" theories includes Heinrich" s Domino" s theory, its development by Bird, Adams and other people, progress of which is that it is deficiencies of management system that are the root cause in accident causation sequence. This is author" s idea resource and main method to produce the water traffic accident-causing theory . in addition, uncontrolled transferring of energy theory, applies widely in safety management scheme for water traffic; human error accident model can be used to analyze causes of collision accident and to take preventive measures; perturbation theory and multilinear event sequencing method is a very useful investigation method to water traffic accidents. All of these theories have contributed to the development of water traffic accident-causing theory. As to orbit intersecting theory, the paper thinks it extension of Domino s theory, although it exists independently.
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