查询词典 equality
- 与 equality 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The declaration makes it clear there is no equality for women, gays, non-Muslims, or apostates.
This article suggests that a new type of teacher-student relationship in the new era has to base itself on a considered abandonment of the traditional relation of "obedience" and on the development of the modern relation of "equality", so that it can be defined as follows: Joint participants in the cognitive and learning process, joint collectors and sharers of knowledge, and joint appliers and creators of knowledge.
The bottom line: Labor markets are the ultimate arbiters of gender equality in the workforce.
One of it is that it promotes the democracy and equality of human, and the other side is that it astricts the creativeness and autonomy of human, then make human to lost freedom.
Contains general information on international and Chinese national aws, policies and practices for non-discrimination and equality.
Often describing themselves as "queer"—they vex homophobes by appropriating their cherished term of abuse—such activists demand not just legal equality for gays, but also special rights, to protect them from bigots' opinions as well as their fists.
The British military did too. In December 2003 a new law, the Employment Equality Regulations, made it illegal to discriminate against lesbians, gay men and bisexuals in the workplace.
英国军方同样如此。2003 年12 月,一项新的法律即《就业平等条例》规定在工作场所歧视男女同志及双性恋为违法行为。
The British military did too. In December 2003 a new law, the Employment Equality Regulations, made it illegal to discriminate against lesbians, gay men and bisexuals in the workplace.
英国军方同样如此。2003 年12 月,一项新的法律即《就业平等条例》规定在工作场所歧视男女同性恋及双性恋为违法行为。
Koreans aren't like Westerners, who understand what human rights and equality, etc. are. Koreans are actually just boors who will strike out at any time.
In detailed study, this paper will base on extractive reading and classifying a large amount of poetic texts to review the creation of female poets in this period: their writing subjects come down to various aspects of social life, which shows that they have walked out their boudoirs in this revolution and held a wider world; they have primary female consciousness, so their poets display everywhere their pursuit for independence and equality; they also seek for artistic invention and change, and have made a new breakthrough in language, style, etc.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Equality Song
- No Equality
- You And Me
- Bicentennial Blues
- Black Messiah
- The Power Of Equality
- Stop It You're Killing Me
- I Still Believe
- Won Threw Ate
- Panther Power
- 推荐网络例句
All things being equal, I prefer not to be bouncing off the walls.
It's true, the GTR demonstrated that E most definitely doesn't equal MC squared. How else can a car with 1700KG appear to be so lithe and nimble, so fast and manoeuvrable?
还真别不信, GTR带着1700公斤的车重,却有如此灵活敏锐梦幻般的操控表现似乎在跟爱因斯坦争论着E根本不等于MC的平方。
When pulverized coal dust at the MEC was dispersed in an entry, a cap lamp 10-feet within the cloud was not visible to observers standing in front of the dispersed dust.