英语人>网络例句>epoch-marking 相关的网络例句

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与 epoch-marking 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ultras marked the first epoch of Royalism , congregation characterized the second .


Macromedia just can provide this kind of a recreational means,which conforms to the characteristics of the reading-pictures epoch.However,this kind of teaching method will perhaps have ruinously destructive effects on students' language and minds.


She then compared the modern data with the teeth in fossils of five carnivore species, including sabre-toothed tigers and dire wolves from the Pleistocene, an epoch that ran from 1.8m years ago to 10,000 years ago.


His scrupulosity remained his preference to details and his "non-progressive" character allowed his to abate the mania and enthusiasm featuring uniquely that epoch.


With the coming of the information epoch, the competition of whole world becomes sharper in economy.


Finally,it is found that there is a point of agreement between Assyrian relief frescoes and the art of modern frescoes by analyzing and comparising the modern frescoes and its aesthetic idea. It also spreads the discussion of reference values that have an epoch-making significancy in Assyrian relief frescoes.


Because of the Duyun Movement at the end of the Ordovician Aijiashan Epoch and the Guangxi Movement at the end of the Silurian Period, the Silurian System in Central Guizhou Uplift and its adjacent areas are not integrated.


Been born in 1994 ( 1992 in Basement Session's epoch but your official formation was at 1994 ), Slipknot combined the hardness of the Death Metal with the Nu Metal's rhythms.

出生於1994年( 1992年在地下室的会议上的划时代的,但你的正式形成是在1994年),活结结合硬度死亡金属与金属怒族的节奏。

The burning and abandonment of Smolensk made an epoch in Prince Andrey's life.


Deploitation and development with various clients, paying attention to credit standing, insisting the service, doing science management,using our respect spirit and consummate technology to grasp the time sphygmus, able to create the epoch of IT!


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Epoch Coda

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
