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与 epoch-marking 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This novel is a product of social transformation in early 19th century of Russia, and it has epoch-making significance in the history of Russian literature.


The Revolution had many of these men, proportioned to the epoch.


Along with the skill of serumpharmacology and chaff clamp presence, pumice stone and pharmacology ofcompound arrive a new epoch.


Even if admit this view, in the western countries the time of first proof of the Pythagoras theorem is not probably early than epoch ago 585 year.


One quadrangle thinks, limited company of trade of Beijing brightness epoch takes little train income, do not declare the method evade taxes of pay taxes, evade taxes amount is occupied should the 30% above of ratal and evade taxes amount is in above of 100 thousand yuan of RMBs, its behavior already made evade taxes crime.


Hong Hao's own peculiar experience that is sensitive and sharp, should be put into attention, as well as his reflectiveness and critical spirit. He has not only recorded the spiritual and sensational history, but also demonstrated the cultural characteristics of this epoch with a new point of view and way.


Qi Baishi is one of the most famous Chinese artists who enjoys world reputation. During the one-century art career, with the unyielding resoluteness and enterprising spirit Qi Baishi unceasingly studied the drawing art, eventually he succeeded in setting up one kind of drawing style, opened a new epoch of Chinese drawing art, devoted valuable spiritual wealth to mankind.


We enter on an epoch of constitutional retrogression John R.


On the other hand, only 7 guitars out of 49 were made with rosewood in the second epoch.

另一方面,只7 把吉他丧失49 用红木被做了在第二个世纪。

Between two tall gateposts of roughhewn stone (the gate itself having fallen from its hinges at some unknown epoch) we beheld the gray front of the old parsonage terminating the vista of the avenue of black ash trees.


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Epoch Coda

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
