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与 environmental 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The establishment of in silico model for predicting environmental carcinogens and non-carcinogens is helpful for the environmental risk evaluation.


This chapter will stress the disciplinarians and the interaction of the plants in soilless culture with environmental factors and with environmental engineering.


After studying the changes of photosynthetic rate, the activities and contents of Rubisco, Rubisco activase with Varies environmental conditions(such as light, H2O; temperature; CO2, nitrogen fertilizer, and source-sink limitation etc.), We enclosed that environmental conditions effect photosynthetic rate by change the activities of Rubisco and stomatic conductance.


NOTE - For ease of use, the subclause of the specification and annex A have related numbers; thus, for example, 4.3.3 and A.3.3 both deal with environmental objectives and targets, and 4.5.4 and A.5.4 both deal with environmental management system audit.

注:为使用方便起见,&规范&部分和附录 A 中的条目采用了互相对应的序号,例如,4.3.3和 A3.3的内容都是关于环境目标和指标的叙述,4.5.4和 A5.4的内容都是关于环境管理体系审核等。

Then, by the supermarginal analytical methods, the author further puts forward the supermarginal strategic decision of marketized division and professional management of regional environmental assets pack, and initiatively constructs the concessionary chain contract and professional management theory of regional environmental assets pack.


There is a natural myth in Western's environmental ethics, that is, the anthropocentrism must be against the intrinsic value of nature and incompatible with the tendence of our environmental protection.

摘要 西方环境伦理学有一个迷思,即:人类中心论反对自然的内在价值,与环境保护及保存不能相容。

The influence of environmental factors with different sulfate types (Na2SO4, MgSO4) and temperatures (5, 20 ℃) on various kinds of sulfate attack of cement mortars was studied, and the special environmental factors for the formation of thaumasite were confirmed.

研究了硫酸盐种类(Na2SO4,MgSO4)及温度(5 ℃,20 ℃)等影响因素对水泥砂浆硫酸盐侵蚀类型的影响,以明确碳硫硅酸钙型硫酸盐侵蚀的特性环境条件。

The influence of environmental factors with different sulfate types (Na2SO4,MgSO4) and temperatures (5,20℃) on vari- ous kinds of sulfate attack of cement mortars was studied,and the special environmental factors for the formation of thaumasite were confirmed.


The horizontal zonal pattern of Theaceae plant species richness in Guangdong Province and its relation to the environmental factors were studied. Both data of species distribution and environmental factors were tabulated based on a digitized map of Guangdong Province gridded at 0.5° latitude ×0.5° longitude.


Methods In order to estimate core temperature T(subscript c from skin temperature T(subscript s, the paper simulated an environmental temperature T(subscript e change. From the change, the paper obtained the thermoresistance ratio of adiabator R(subscript e and body surface tissue R(subscript c, at the same time, deducted environmental temperature T(subscript e influences from the skin temperature T(subscript s. The feasibility and accuracy of the method was tested by a self-made body temperature simulator.

提出通过人为改变环境温度T(下标 e而获得个性化的绝热材料热阻R(下标 e对体表组织热阻R(下标 c比值的途径,实现从皮肤温度T(下标 s中扣除环境温度T(下标 e影响,从而达到从皮肤温度T(下标 s测值中估计体核温度T(下标 c的方案和具体测量方法,并用自行设计的模拟体温发生器对此方案进行了可行性和准确性验证。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
