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与 environment 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The banded-augengranitic complex(476-413Ma) and charnokites (435Ma) in Yunkai upwelling area are formed in active continental margin Volcanic arc tectonic environment of subduction-collision in Caledonian and the augen granite and charnokiteare formed in the post-orogeny environment,and the intrusive gabbro(392Ma) are fromed in extensional environment of the end of Subduction-collision orogeny.


Because comprehensive effects of trees, shrubs and grasses, difference of species diversity in various communities and in environment gradient is not very significant, that may be results of special forest community adapts azonal environment in long time, that give us some interesting inspiration to improve environment around Daqinggou district.


The sustainable development of tourism emphasizes the protection of the natural relations and interactions between organisms and their environment and developing tourism on the basis of bearance of resources and ecological environment, suits local economy, culture and social moral, achieves the harmony between the development of tourism and nature, culture, existing environment, not only meets the demands of modern generations but also ensure not to endanger ones of the future generations.


By the analysis of the wining plan of Beidaihe Bihai Garden, the topic of the creation of ecological architectural environment is researched by using Arcological theories from two aspects of outer architectural environment and space and interior architectural environment and space.


Most of the e-learning research topics focus on metadata of learning object. These studies extract useful information from metadata, and use them to organize the LOs. However, to understand the metadata is not enough to organize the multimedia-style LO in meaningful manner. The comprehensive multimedia-style LO is especially useful for mobile learners to choose what they really demanded. In order to attack the problem, this project uses multi-agent technique to develop a personalized hyper-seamless learning environment for managing LOs comprehensibly. Following that, the proposed environment coordinates two agents: Content Reorganize Agent, and Zone Agent to provide mobile learners the efficient multimedia-style learning experience. The CRA is responsible for reorganizing the discovered critical multimedia content by analyzing learner』s behavior and the multimedia』s annotation. The ZA is designed for terminal devices to monitor the learning behavior, and it sends the collected behaviors to CRA for evaluating. Moreover, the ZAs can communicate with each other, and they can self-organize as a group for sharing learning resources. Due to the cooperation of the two agents, the learning environment can give the properly multimedia-style LO for learners without bandwidth squandering. Finally, we expect this project can construct a comprehensive multimedia-style LO map for efficient personalized seamless learning.

中文摘要大多数的数位学习研究著重於如何利用学习物件的Metadata来组织管理学习物件,然而只透过Metadata仍旧无法有效管理多媒体形态之学习物件,多媒体学习物件的内容若能被了解,则学习者能正确的选择所需的学习内容,尤其是行动学习,能正确选择行动内容不但能减少频宽的浪费,亦能有效利用行动装置有限的资源,有鉴於此,本研究计画拟利用多重代理人机制发展个人化超无缝学习环境来管理内容可被理解之多媒体形态学习物件,在超无缝学习环境中Content Reorganize Agent 与Zone Agent 这两支代理人程式负责协调作业以提供高品质之行动学习经验,其中CRA所负责的工作为分析学习行为与学习物件之注解找出多媒体关键内容来重组具备学习主题之多媒体学习内容,而ZA为安装於学习装置端的代理人程式,其负责监督学生在学习过程中产生的行为,并将该资讯传回CRA以供分析,此外ZA与ZA之间具备自我群聚组织的能力,同一群组下的ZA可彼此共享所需的学习资源,透过CRA与ZA的合作,个人化超无缝学习环境能在不浪费网路频宽的前提下,提供正确且合适的多媒体学习物件给行动学习者,最后我们预期透过本计画的执行能够建立具备内容理解能力之学习物件模型,并利用此模型提供有效率的个人化无缝学习。

Chapter One focuses on the research about the macro marketing environment which affects the pharmaceutical market, especially about demographical, economic, political and legal environment, in an aim to demonstrate the advantages and restrictions created by macro marketing environment.


Despite of original environment itself of deuterogenic environmental problem of geological and geographical environment depended on urban construction caused by severe human developing interference,geological disaster in original or induced condition,becomes one of the environmental behavior for evaluating urban engineering geological environment.


Based on SWOT analyses on the vastcosm economic environment and the internal developmental environment for Guangxi Telecom and Telecom industrial electiveness environment and the comparison with rivals, this thesis shows Guangxi Telecoms future development, mission, strategic goal, general development strategic system and its three developing stages.


It will empoison environment and foods to harm human health like as acute toxicosis, chronic toxicosis, and so on.it also can depravation environment and affect environment balance.


According to the J_2~2~J~1 strati- graphic features, rock facies characteristics and previous research, the author deem that the terrestrial environment spread all over the epicontinental sea-platform at the transgression time when the J_1 depositing, the environment character is the normal sea-platform sedimentary; the study results indicate that the location-evaporation platform environment when theJ_2~~J~1 sediment is good to the reservoir formatting and evaluating.


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Virtual Environment

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
