英语人>网络例句>entitlements 相关的网络例句

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与 entitlements 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ian Ayres, 2005, Optional Law: the Structure of Legal Entitlements, University of Chicago Press, Ltd.

不仅如此,Ian Ayres依据相同的理由认为,VP的&方差&小于VL的&方差&。

The existence and development of the democratic parties are the presupposition and requirement to be well engaged in the system of multiparty cooperation of China, thus the CPC should support the democratic parties to expand their social base and to further develop and expand their organizations, and share the freedom of politics, the independence of organization and the equality of juridical status stipulated by the constitution and laws within the entitlements and onuses.


Article 21 Information disclosure obligors for the takeover of listed companies and the relevant alteration of share entitlements shall disclose the information on at lease one medium as designated by the CSRC, and if they disclose the said information on any other medium, the contents disclosed shall be consistent with each other, and the time for the latter disclosure shall not be earlier than that for the disclosure on the designated medium.


New York state's attorney-general has reportedly issued a subpoena to Bank of America demanding data on its most well-rewarded employees. A penitent Peter Wuffli, ousted as UBS's chief executive in July 2007, has returned SFr12m ($10m) in bonus entitlements to the Swiss bank.

据报导纽约州首席检察官已经发传票给美国银行索要其有关薪酬最高雇员的数据。2007年7月被逐出瑞士联合银行的前执行总裁 Peter Wuffli 满是懊悔地把所得的一千二百万瑞士法郎的奖金退还给了瑞士银行。

Do not eat or吃米粉milk powder, rice flour Do not eat entitlements's because GM has

不要吃 吃米粉或奶粉,米粉不要吃享氏的,因为有转基因

In addition,"we need to address entitlements."


This could be one way to tackle entitlements.


One where we don't just ask what are my entitlements, but what are my responsibilities.


Yes, PS3 Entitlements are ...

是的, PS3的权益。。。

Valuation of the entitlements is left to the market.


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The child is a king, the carollers sing


Please take me to Elgin Street.


The distributed optical fiber sensors based on optical time domain reflectometry are the easiest ones to become products in all these distributed optical fiber sensing technology.
