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"Then," I said,"Thrasymachus, there is no one in any rule who, in so far as he is a ruler, considers or enjoins what is for his own interest, but always what is for the interest of his subject or suitable to his art; to that he looks, and that alone he considers in everything which he says and does."


"Then," I"Then," I said,"Thrasymachus, there is no one in any rule who, in so far as he is a ruler, considers or enjoins what is for his own interest, but always what is for the interest of his subject or suitable to his art; to that he looks, and that alone he considers in everything which he says and does."


Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts; and, if we have to have guidelines, that's probably as good a one as any.


Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts.


But there is a suggestion of writing too: xvii, 18-9, enjoins that the future kings are to receive a copy of this law from the priests in order to read and observe it; xxvii, 1-8, commands that on the west side of the Jordan "all the words of this law" be written on stones set up in Mount Hebal; xxviii, 58, speaks of "all the words of this law, that are written in this volume" after enumerating the blessings and curses which will come upon the observers and violators of the law respectively, and which are again referred to as written in a book in xxix, 20, 21, 27, and xxxii, 46, 47; now, the law repeatedly referred to as written in a book must be at least the Deuteronomic legislation.

但是有一个建议,写太多: 17 , 18-9 ,责成,未来的国王收到了一份来自该法的祭司,以便阅读和遵守它;二十七, 1月8日,命令,在西约旦一侧的&所有的话,该法&是写在石头山设立Hebal ;二十八, 58岁,说的是&所有的话,这一法律,这是写在这卷&之后列举的祝福和诅咒的会后,观察员和违反法律的分别,并再次被称为写的一本书,第29 , 20 , 21 , 27 ,和三十二,第四十六条,第四十七条,现在,法律一再称为写图书必须至少Deuteronomic立法。

But there is a suggestion of writing too: xvii, 18-9, enjoins that the future kings are to receive a copy of this law from the priests in order to read and observe it; xxvii, 1-8, commands that on the west side of the Jordan "all the words of this law" be written on stones set up in Mount Hebal; xxviii, 58, speaks of "all the words of this law, that are written in this volume" after enumerating the blessings and curses which will come upon the observers and violators of the law respectively, and which are again referred to as written in a book in xxix, 20, 21, 27, and xxxii, 46, 47; now, the law repeatedly referred to as written in a book must be at least the Deuteronomic legislation.

但有一个建议,以书面形式过于:十七, 18-9 ,责成认为,未来的国王收到一份拷贝,这部法律从祭司,以便阅读和观察;二十七, 1月8日,命令,对西一边的约旦&所有的话,此法&写在石头设立在山hebal ;二十八, 58 ,说的是&所有的话,这部法律的,即是写在这卷&之后列举的祝福和诅咒,其中会后,观察员和违反该法的分别,这是中再次提到,作为书面在一本书,在第29届, 20 , 21 , 27 ,和三十二,第四十六条,第四十七条,现在,法律一再被称为写在图书必须至少deuteronomic法例。

Besides these didactic works to catechumens, Tertullian wrote at the same period two books,"Ad uxorem", in the former of which he begs his wife not to marry again after his death, as it is not proper for a Christian, while in the second book he enjoins upon her at least to marry a Christian if she does marry, for pagans must not be consorted with.

除了这些说教工程慕道,良写在同一时期的两本书,&广告uxorem &,前,他没有回避他的妻子结婚,再次在他死后,因为它是不恰当的基督教,而在第二本书,他责成她至少要嫁给一个基督徒,如果她没有结婚,为异教徒不得consorted的。

Besides these didactic works to catechumens, Tertullian wrote at the same period two books,"Ad uxorem", in the former of which he begs his wife not to marry again after his death, as it is not proper for a Christian, while in the second book he enjoins upon her at least to marry a Christian if she does marry, for pagans must not be consorted with.

除了这些说教性工程,以慕道者,戴尔都良写道,在同一时期的两本书&,专案uxorem &,在前者,而他不禁问道:他的妻子没有结婚又是在他死后,因为这是不恰当的基督徒,而在第二本书,他嘱咐她至少要嫁给一名基督徒,如果她不娶,为异教徒绝不能

Admit it, prime minister, he enjoins, you didn't overcome economic gravity, did you?


This the Gospel enjoins, this reason directs, and this that natural fellowship we are born into requires of us.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
