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A "profession of faith" is enjoined by the Church on special occasions, as at the consecration of a bishop; while the phrase "confession of faith" is commonly applied to Protestant formularies, such as the "Augsburg Confession", the "Confession of Basle", etc. It should be noted, however, that the role of Faith is not identical with creed, but, in its formal signification, means the norm or standard by which one ascertains what doctrines are to be believed.

一个&专业诚信&是责成由教会在特殊场合,如在神圣的主教,而改为&忏悔的诚意&是普遍适用於新教formularies ,如&奥格斯堡自白&中,&忏悔的巴塞尔&等等,应该指出,然而,信仰的作用是不相同的信仰,但是,在其正式含义,是指规范或标准,其中一个确定的理论是什麼可以相信。

Protracted fasts of the most fantastic character are also enjoined. In all this, there is no asceticism. These suicidal penances, apart from their wickedness and absurdity, are based on a misconception of the purpose of mortification. They are not supposed to atone for sin or to acquire merit, but are prompt by the idea that the greater the austerity the greater the holiness, and that besides hastening absorption in the divinity they will help the penitent to obtain such a mastery over his body as to make it invisible at will, to float in the air, or pass with lighting speed from place to place.

旷日持久的fasts的最神奇的性质,也责成,在所有这一切,是没有禁欲主义,这些自杀penances ,除了从他们的邪恶和荒谬的,是基于一种错觉的目的mortification ,他们是不是要赎罪,单仲偕或收购的好处,但提示的设想,即更大的紧缩越大,成圣,除了加速吸收,在神,他们将帮助忏悔,以取得这种掌握超过他的身体,以使它在将无形的,浮动在空气中,或通过与灯光的速度从地方。

The judge enjoined the strikers from picketing inside company property.


In every community, even the crew of a pirate ship, there are acts that are enjoined and acts that are forbidden, acts that are applauded and acts that are reprobated.


About the same period came the Montanists, who forbade second marriage, enjoined rigorous fasts, insisted on the perpetual exclusion from the Church of those who had ever committed grievous sin, stigmatized flight in time of persecution as reprehensible, protested that virgins should be always veiled, reprobated paintings, statuary, military service, theatres, and all worldly sciences.

大约同一时期出现了Montanists ,谁禁止第二次婚姻,责成严格的斋戒,坚持长期被排除在教会的人谁曾经犯下严重罪恶,耻辱飞行时间的迫害,谴责,抗议说,处女应该总是掩饰, reprobated绘画,雕塑,兵役,剧院,和所有世俗的科学。

About the same period came the Montanists, who forbade second marriage, enjoined rigorous fasts, insisted on the perpetual exclusion from the Church of those who had ever committed grievous sin, stigmatized flight in time of persecution as reprehensible, protested that virgins should be always veiled, reprobated paintings, statuary, military service, theatres, and all worldly sciences.

大约同一时期而来的montanists ,谁不准第二次婚姻,责成严格fasts ,坚持长期被排除在教会的那些谁曾经承诺他人单仲偕,蒙受耻辱的飞行时间,作为受迫害的谴责,抗议说,处女应始终含蓄, reprobated绘画,雕塑,兵役,剧院,和所有世俗的科学。

To confirm these days of Pu***m in their times appointed, according as Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen had enjoined them, and as they had decreed for themselves and for their seed, the matters of the fastings and their cry.

9:31 劝他们按时守这普珥日,禁食呼求,是照犹大人末底改,和王后以斯帖,所嘱咐的。也照犹大人为自己与后裔所应承的。

Which I enjoined upon your fathers the day I brought them up out of the land of Egypt, that iron foundry, saying: Listen to my voice and do all that I command you.


In sura 47 war and slaughter are enjoined, and idolaters of Mecca threatened.


The old Gothic Constitutions candidly enjoined:"Also you shall be true liegemen to the King without treason or falsehood and that you shall know no treason but you mend it, if you may, or else warn the King or his council thereof".


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
